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macs and viruses

Post 1


im a new mac user, i just got an iBook, and i've heard that macs don't get viruses at all. how true is that? and is it because people just don't make viruses for macs or is it because theyre actually safer??


macs and viruses

Post 2

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

It isn't true at all, it's just that PCs are a better target because more people use them.

macs and viruses

Post 3

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

I'm not at all an expert on this matter, but I'm interested.

I was under the impression that Mac's used to get less viruses because there were less designed for Mac software, but now its beggining to balance out. Is that uninformed chatter or is there any truth in the matter, and what is the general situation?

macs and viruses

Post 4


Certainly the mac users don't seem very active here, despite The Orchard.

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