A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 601

Misty Angel.....missing in action

smiley - yikes scary thought smiley - laugh

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 602


knobbing you could be so easy (let me in - osmonds even scarier)

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 603

Misty Angel.....missing in action

so was their song...knob me for a reason smiley - run

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 604

CHeEky CHeRub

Knob is in the air
don't know who sung it but it was on the clover advert

CHeEkysmiley - cupid

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 605



wonderful! what a great BBC site! has anyone seen it?

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 606

Misty Angel.....missing in action

yeah i've had a look but i preffer this site. smiley - smiley

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 607

Researcher 220282

smiley - erm knob and marrage.....smiley - whistle

Astro dont you ever give up smiley - sighsmiley - laugh

smiley - flansmiley - run

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 608

Misty Angel.....missing in action

smiley - rofl

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 609

Researcher U541071

knob is the sweetest thing

just for the record thats from a smiley - diva point of view not minesmiley - laugh

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 610

Misty Angel.....missing in action

smiley - bigeyes

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 611


groove is in the knob

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word 'love' or 'heart' with the word 'knob'

Post 612


I know it's not a song, and not a title, but...

My knob is like a red, red rose!

smiley - erm

Here's a better idea - kudos to Humphrey Lyttleton and the lads

Post 613


Didn't there use to be a game on "I'm Sorry, I haven't a Clue" called Censored Song, where the objective was to take something as innocent and non-contentious as (for instance) Julie Andrews' "my Favourite Things", and make it sound filthy beyond belief by strategic use of the buzzer?

My favourite has to be what Willy Rushton did to Maurice Chevalier - cue battle-scarred French accent intoning

"Whenever I zee a leetle girl
Of five or seex or maybe zeven,
I can't reezist ze joyous urge
To {BLEEEEEEEEP!} and sing

Zank Heaven for leetle girls!"

This was a jolly, inventive, little round and seems to have been discontinued from the show, which is a shame.

Perhasps we could use our imaginations here and come up with our favourite "censoered songs"?

As a kick-off, try the Everley Brothers' "Dreaming".

When I need you
In my arms
When I want you
To share your charms
Whenever I want you
All I have to do

I can make you mine
Taste your lips of wine
Any time
Night or day;
Only trouble is -
Gee, whizz,

I'm {BLEEEEP!!!}ing my life away!"

fingers on buzzers, anyone?

Here's a better idea - kudos to Humphrey Lyttleton and the lads

Post 614

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

I remember Willie Rushton doing this one!

{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!} all through the night;
{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!} all through the night;
{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!}{BLEEEEP!!!} all through the night;

Here's a better idea - kudos to Humphrey Lyttleton and the lads

Post 615

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

Knob is in the air, everywhere I look around!


Post 616


Some people have mentioned movie titles, so I'm gonna mention a few silly things my friends and I came up with while playing the game. Namely heart transplants and heart failure. My fave mental image is of a heart attack...smiley - tongueout


Post 617

A Super Furry Animal

There's also the bands/artistes Knob, Courtney Knob, and Joan Jett and the Blackknobs.

RFsmiley - evilgrin


Post 618

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Didn't I unsubscribe from this thread about 6 months ago? smiley - huh

Oh well... *ignores backlog* The Darkess - "I Believe In A Thing Called Knob".


Post 619


I think I said that one...smiley - huh *tries to remember*

"Knob is only a feeling" by the same...


Post 620


just looked in, hope nobody's mentioned 'Two knobs beat as one' by U2.
Or 'Knob rescue me', come to that....

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