A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Ignore me...no, please

Post 181

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*wonders in
ahh, no one about, lets get this scene sorted out....

*clears throat

"thrice the brinded cat hath mewed"
smiley - erm no one to do the other lines, oh well....
"thrice and once the hedge pig whinned, harpier cries tis time tis time"

"round about the couldron go, in teh poisened entrails throw"
"fillet of a fenny snake in teh couldren boil and bake,
Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat and hair of dog" smiley - erm right, quick lay down

smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

Ignore me...no, please

Post 182

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Pops in, hears distant sawing sound, looks about, sees nothing, leaves a pile of commas, and goes.

Ignore me...no, please

Post 183

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*wonders through singing the "hotel calafornia" smiley - musicalnote strange, still empty, no one around, where did this pile of punctueation come from? smiley - erm ahh, someone must have been in earlier, maybe smiley - musicalnote

Ignore me...no, please

Post 184

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Wanders in, finds a pile of punctuation left earlier! Has someone been here? They look like they have been moved! Thinks: "Maybe." Wonders; 'Perhaps' Doesn't know @ this time the # of people that might have been here but wonders if they left any $. Realises the % of that is small & decides to leave. (Good idea really{although better ideas have occured in the past[like that one in 1986]})

~Oh well....

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 185


*meanders in*

*checks her watch*


*walks out and returns dragging a beanbag*

I guess I'll sit here in my nightie until I see no one. Or someone to ignore. But then they wouldn't be there anyway. Does it matter? No...

*curls up on the beanbag in the corner*

So warm and quiet.

I think that I shall never see
A cameraman inside a tree
Up in the sky, across the sea;
But miles away is he, from me.

*goes to sleep*

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 186

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Sees a gorgeous young thing asleep off in the distance, scantily clad. Leaves so as not to wake such a vision.

smiley - zoom

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 187


*wakes up at the noise of the door shutting*

Hmm? What was that?

*grabs her beanbag and leaves in the opposite direction*

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 188


*sits in the corner*

smiley - sigh

So alone. Where is everyone? Oh well, at least it is quiet.

smiley - sadfacesmiley - bluesmiley - sadface

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 189

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - mod?

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 190


I think that I shall never see
A life inside a lonely tree
Canadia is far away
It's cold & clean & spread with hay.

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 191

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - zen
smiley - ghost
smiley - space "share and enjoy" smiley - space

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 192

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*looks in the corner, doesn't see anything....hmmmm*

I'm wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Unfortunately, there's no one here.

Post 193

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*realises he's wearing stockings, suspenders and a lcay bra. Luckily, there's no one here. Changes into chambray shirt and old jeans*

No Subject

Post 194


*wonders why she is wondering what a Chambrey shirt is*

*throws a smiley - tomato against the wall and runs away*

smiley - run

No Subject

Post 195

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*feels the soft, brushed cotton of his shirt and sees no one is here, leaves*smiley - run


Post 196


*runs naked around the room*


Post 197

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*wanders in, sees bare footprints on floor, sees someone has changed his writing on the wall from Latin to some weird Saxon script, shakes head, leaves*


Post 198


"ANNOUNCING TO ALL THE IGNORED ONES HERE:- The Transient Fridge has arrived to give all here refreshments."


Post 199


*ho hum*

Where is everyone? I'm thirsty!


Post 200


[Places a pizza in the fridge and watches it depart]

Key: Complain about this post