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British School System

Post 41


Unless they've changed the definitions recently,
Higher education means universities (basically like the US ?)

Further education generally means non-school non-degree-level education, for example
adult evening classes, both for qualifications or pleasure
day-release vocational courses for working adults
vocational courses for older schoolchildren on day-release
full-time vocational courses (catering / building /clerical, etc)
full time A-level examination courses

To complicate things slightly, further education happens in 'colleges' as well

British and American School Systems

Post 42



I'm confused.
Anyway, would you mind explaining your grading system while you're at it(I'm not sure what its called in english, but I mean those marks you get in school or after exams, showing how good you've been at saying whatever the teacher wants to hear...)

Any other places with school systems THAT complicated by the way??? If so, I'm not sure that I want to hear them... smiley - winkeye

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British School System

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