A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What is it with breasts?

Post 4001

Orange county LJ, nighthoover hunter extraordinary

I've got a loverly pair of coconuts smiley - musicalnote

What is it with breasts?

Post 4002


heh, reminds me, was in the supermarket last night in a queue behind a rather attractive young lady. Amoungst her shopping she had 2 melons. But I resisted the temptation to use 'Nice melons!' as an opening gambit to chat her up smiley - winkeye

See, I am improving!

What is it with breasts?

Post 4003

A Super Furry Animal

So, what opening gambit *did* you use? smiley - whistle

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4004


er, none, as per usual. Perhaps I should move of the 'where can I find some NFG' thread and start a 'What should I do once I have found an NFG'? Or perhaps I should stop being so bloody useless.

What is it with breasts?

Post 4005


Typical, now he has actually met an NFG all he does is complain smiley - rolleyes

What is it with breasts?

Post 4006

F F Churchton

I take it NFG stands for 'Nice Friendly Girl'!!!

What is it with breasts?

Post 4007


in this case, yes!
Although perhaps met is a bit over optimistic!

What is it with breasts?

Post 4008

A Super Furry Animal

How about "was in the same room as"?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 4009


*starts humming "Bachelor boy"*

What is it with breasts?

Post 4010


Cursed gravity.

What is it with breasts?

Post 4011


blessed wonderbra?

What is it with breasts?

Post 4012


black eyes?

What is it with breasts?

Post 4013


Well I thought we should in this thread commemorate the passing of Russ Meyer. He must deserve an honorary mention here, and I´m sure has been an inspiration to many of us smiley - winkeye

What is it with breasts?

Post 4014

Yael Smith

Why do you say you're useless, Ictoan?

What is it with breasts?

Post 4015

Orange county LJ, nighthoover hunter extraordinary

Kor, govno'r look at the mellons on that one!

What is it with breasts?

Post 4016


I was at a wet t-shirt competition yesterday in aid of charity. Just gives you such an enormous feeling of well being, knowing you're doing something to help the less fortunate. smiley - biggrin

I was also making people pay money to charity by holding them up with weapons, but that was another occasion which has nothing to do with breasts.

What is it with breasts?

Post 4017


4 month delayed post in reply to Elly post 4014,
"Cos I am" would probably be the best reasoning I have smiley - winkeye

What is it with breasts?

Post 4018


although as Elly hasn;t posted anything since Nov 2004, I guess that was a bit pointless.

So, Xanatic, what were you doing at a wet t-shirt contest, had they persuaded you to enter?

What is it with breasts?

Post 4019


Seeing as it is me, why do you feel a need to ask? smiley - smiley I was just there to support charity of course, and see some flesh smiley - smiley

What is it with breasts?

Post 4020

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

And, perhaps more importantly why weren't we told efore hand so we could come along and 'heckle' you smiley - evilgrin

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