A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Do you assume a Researchers gender by their nickname?

Post 61


Thanks all for replying. Just need to clarify this.
The English dictionary definition of gender: sex, male or female. I did use the correct word. smiley - smiley

smiley - peacedovesmiley - devil

Do you assume a Researchers gender by their nickname?

Post 62

Gnomon - time to move on

Although one meaning of 'gender' is 'sex', its more normal meaning is the behaviour and affinities that go with sex. Gender describes masculine and feminine rather than male and female.

It would be possible to have a person whose sex was male, but whose gender was tending more towards the feminine than the masculine. In this case, the words don't mean exactly the same thing.

These days, people are afraid to use the word sex as the two classes of male and female, because it might be misunderstood to mean sexual intercourse, so they often use the word gender instead.

Do you assume a Researchers gender by their nickname?

Post 63

Researcher 168963

Not as much as I used to, but I still find myself doing it on occasion. More from writing style than names, though.

I word my own space to be as neutral as possible, but I don't think anyone ever reads it, so it doesn't really matter smiley - smiley

Do you assume a Researchers gender by their nickname?

Post 64

Dr. Acephalos Fotticapra - come to The Clinik at A674651

Sex is a biological distiction. In species that reproduce sexually there are different sexes (usually two). When you hear sex, think of biology, reproduction, screwing, etc. and the prima materia you need for all this i.e. the sexes: male and female.
Gender is the cultural interpretation of this biology in humans. Most cultures have ascribed certain traits and characteristics to the sexes. Words like feminine and masculine, man and woman have to do with gender. Whereas sex is (mostly) two absolutes, gender exists on a continuum.

Do you assume a Researchers gender by their nickname?

Post 65

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*agrees perfectly*smiley - ok

Do you assume a Researchers gender by their nickname?

Post 66

Frankie Roberto

Well some researchers on here seem to have multiple personas in different genders... mentioning no names...

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