A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Tea and Onion
ITIWBS Posted Jun 2, 2013
Same reason as when you stare fixedly at an object of a given color for a minute or so and then transfer your gaze to a neutral field, you see a rather blurred after-image in the reverse of the color of the object ypou were staring at in the first case, reason rooted in the opponent process mechanics of sensory-perception.
Tea and Onion
Teasswill Posted Jun 2, 2013
I sometimes retch when brushing my teeth in the morning too. I thought it was to do with the toothpaste taste when full with breakfast.
After eating raw onion, I always want to eat chocolate.
Tea and Onion
You can call me TC Posted Jun 3, 2013
You beat me to it, KB - looking up old tea threads.
Tea and Onion
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jun 3, 2013
Wretching is a natural gag reflex, part of the autonomic system
which instinctively rejects intrusion into open bodily orifices.
The molars at the back should be approached from the side so that
brush strokes run across the mouth rather than threaten to go down
the throat.
Tea and Onion
Teasswill Posted Jun 3, 2013
But I can happily brush my teeth at other times of day. It's more brushing behind front teeth that makes me gag.
Tea and Onion
ITIWBS Posted Jun 11, 2013
Clearing the nose first also helps to turn off the gag and retch response.
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Tea and Onion
- 21: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Jun 1, 2013)
- 22: ITIWBS (Jun 2, 2013)
- 23: Teasswill (Jun 2, 2013)
- 24: You can call me TC (Jun 3, 2013)
- 25: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jun 3, 2013)
- 26: Teasswill (Jun 3, 2013)
- 27: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jun 3, 2013)
- 28: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jun 3, 2013)
- 29: ITIWBS (Jun 11, 2013)
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