A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Tea and Onion

Post 21

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - laugh Old threads never die, nor even completely fade away it seems, KB

Tea and Onion

Post 22


Same reason as when you stare fixedly at an object of a given color for a minute or so and then transfer your gaze to a neutral field, you see a rather blurred after-image in the reverse of the color of the object ypou were staring at in the first case, reason rooted in the opponent process mechanics of sensory-perception.





Tea and Onion

Post 23


I sometimes retch when brushing my teeth in the morning too. I thought it was to do with the toothpaste taste when full with breakfast.

After eating raw onion, I always want to eat chocolate.

Tea and Onion

Post 24

You can call me TC

You beat me to it, KB - looking up old tea threads.

Tea and Onion

Post 25

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - doctor

Wretching is a natural gag reflex, part of the autonomic system
which instinctively rejects intrusion into open bodily orifices.
smiley - footinmouth
The molars at the back should be approached from the side so that
brush strokes run across the mouth rather than threaten to go down
the throat.

smiley - wizard

Tea and Onion

Post 26


But I can happily brush my teeth at other times of day. It's more brushing behind front teeth that makes me gag.

Tea and Onion

Post 27

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - erm
Back of the front teeth, eh.
smiley - erm
Sounds more like an olfactory gag response then.

smiley - winkeye

Tea and Onion

Post 28

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Its possible to train to lose the gag reflex somewhat though... apparently smiley - footinmouthsmiley - weird

Tea and Onion

Post 29


Clearing the nose first also helps to turn off the gag and retch response.

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