A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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LOTRI need help!
Captain Kebab Posted Jan 27, 2002
Now you've read the synopsis and done the quiz, threesec, go and see the film. You'll be glad you did!
LOTRI need help!
Jeny (Professor of Cheesology, Apostrophe Executive) Posted Jan 28, 2002
Not very helpful, I know, but the best (and shortest) synopsis that I've heard is:
'Pointed hatted wizards sending hobbits up mountains to dispose of jewelry'
LOTRI need help!
threesecondmemory Posted Jan 31, 2002
I reckon that sums it up. Saw it last night. Very good. Got to be seen in the cinema, the sound is awesome.
So, they've all been filmed. Does anyone know when the next one is going to be released? Also, baddie wizard, one of the agents in the Matrix?
LOTRI need help!
Orcus Posted Jan 31, 2002
Nope, that was Elrond.
The Two Towers - Christmas 2002
Return of the King - Christmas 2003
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LOTRI need help!
- 21: threesecondmemory (Jan 19, 2002)
- 22: threesecondmemory (Jan 24, 2002)
- 23: Orcus (Jan 24, 2002)
- 24: threesecondmemory (Jan 24, 2002)
- 25: Captain Kebab (Jan 27, 2002)
- 26: threesecondmemory (Jan 28, 2002)
- 27: Jeny (Professor of Cheesology, Apostrophe Executive) (Jan 28, 2002)
- 28: threesecondmemory (Jan 31, 2002)
- 29: Orcus (Jan 31, 2002)
- 30: threesecondmemory (Jan 31, 2002)
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