A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 261

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Mid Section !!! ARGHH !!!

"...Its been a long run...I've got faith to acheave my goals...la la la..."


Post 262


Am I right in thinking that when any alien or human wants a special something with an Enterprise member, the words 'come, I have something to show you' are said. All my work colleagues eyes momentarily looked up at the ceiling. I told the younger lads to beware if a lady ever says that to them - cause she's only got one think on her mind... and it aint washing her hair!


Post 263

Researcher 179388

Was it 'Up the Junction' that had Lulu in it? Anyway one of her (male) classmates kept saying to the girls: 'I want to show you something lovely', which meant much the same thing. smiley - biggrin

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 264


The sexual tensions are vague but present in Voyager (The BEST Star Trek). Thankfully whenever the cleeeeee-shays pop up the crew all have a little smirk - Good Good. How do I get to work on Star Trek anything???

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 265

Sho - employed again!

just posting anything to bookmark this

oh, can I vote?
Worf... he's so scrummy, but so is Captain Picard... and Chakotay and Riker... oh heck...

Nope, I'll go for Worf. He's so honourable. And he growls.

Best looking female: Dax, why I fancy her myself! smiley - blush

I doggedly watched Enterprise, and while I still think it's generally poop, I have to watch because it's Trek, and I have a soft spot for it.

FABT: nice to see you holding the Slash end up!! mwahahahaha!

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 266

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

I only watch Enterprise because of Scott Bakula.

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 267

random fat bird

Oh yeah, I completely understand smiley - drool

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 268

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

You can't stand too close to T'Pol in case she turns round quickly and has your eye out... smiley - bigeyes

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 269

Mister Matty

Watched most of that first episode on Channel 4 today. It was quite good, Scott Bakula (nice to have him back) was likeable as the Captain, I liked the alien doctor and the bitchy Vulcan science-officer. I also liked the English crewman.

It still has the same problems that US sci-fi tends to suffer from (20th century American values in a futuristic setting, predictable plotting, dislike of anything too "dark") but it was fun enough. It could develop into something really good.

Theme music was as awful as everyone's been saying, though.

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 270

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I've seen this series from beginning to end, and even as a diehard trekkie I'd have to say that only about two episodes out of three are worth going out of your way to watch. smiley - erm

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 271


Best looking female
J Dax 7
Seven 3
Ezri Dax 1
Borg Queen 1
Ensign Ro 1

Best Looking Male
Worf 1+1/2
Jonathan Archer 1

Quark 1/2
Gul Dukat 1
Chakotay 1
Odo 1
Spock 1
Quark 1/2

Best villain
Gul Dukat 3
Q 1

Most unlikely coupling
Worf and Deanna Troi 1
Kirk & Spock 1

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 272

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Best looking female

Best looking male
Neelix (Only kidding! I'm not qualified to judge)

Best villain

Most unlikely coupling
Janeway and Tom Paris

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 273

Geoff Taylor - Gullible Chump

"...two episodes out of three are worth going out of your way to watch..."

2 out of 3 ain't bad. (That'd make a good song title smiley - smiley)

I liked most of Enterprise's first season. I'd prefer an ongoing story rather than stand-alone episodes, but that's just me.

And I hate to say it, but that song's grown on me.

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 274


Best looking female
J Dax 7
Seven 3
Ezri Dax 1
Borg Queen 1
Ensign Ro 1
T'Pol 1

Best Looking Male
Worf 1+1/2
Jonathan Archer 1
Quark 1/2
Gul Dukat 1
Chakotay 1
Odo 1
Spock 1
Quark 1/2

Best villain
Gul Dukat 3
Q 1
Lore 1

Most unlikely coupling
Worf and Deanna Troi 1
Kirk & Spock 1
Janeway and Tom Paris

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 275

random fat bird

Can I vote ofr Archer? I can't remember if I already did or not. I definitely wouldn't mind getting into his uniformsmiley - winkeye

Being all a bit hormonal and vaguesmiley - ok

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 276


This is my complaint right.
TV is the most unkinning, unsussed peece a shee*t in the hood right now.More in the area see? You hear me? I'm talking.
More ragga, more boogle and more belgian house.
Lets get tv bangin'
Mat the fark as.

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 277


Best looking female
J Dax 7
Seven 3
Ezri Dax 1
Borg Queen 1
Ensign Ro 1
T'Pol 1

Best Looking Male
Jonathan Archer 2
Worf 1+1/2
Quark 1/2
Gul Dukat 1
Chakotay 1
Odo 1
Spock 1
Quark 1/2

Best villain
Gul Dukat 3
Q 1
Lore 1

Most unlikely coupling
Worf and Deanna Troi 1
Kirk & Spock 1
Janeway and Tom Paris

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 278

random fat bird

I don't suppose it'd go down well in Star Trek though *ponders*

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 279


This is my complaint right.
TV is the most unkinning, unsussed peece a shee*t in the hood right now.More in the area see? You hear me? I'm talking.
More ragga, more boogle and more belgian house.
Lets get tv bangin'
Mat the fark as.

Enterprise - I wanna get on it!

Post 280


pardon?smiley - erm

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