A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Big post.

Post 101


Now, that's not the right thing to say. It's blind faith that's dangerous. That and intolerance of other beliefs. Plus hypocrisy and all the other things frequently associated with most mainstream religions.

Big post.

Post 102

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

Something I've always questioned.....if you bring up a child to believe in a certain religion, are you infringing upon their human right to make their own judgement about the world in later life. I've no objection to someone deciding that they wish to *become* christian/buddhist, muslim etc. after they have been fully informed and considered all the options. But to bring a chile up telling them that *this* is the correct way of looking at things, be it agnostisism or hinduism, is surely a very different thing. I guess what I am asking is: is blind faith ( whether in religion or in agnostisism) the same thing as faith acquired after much conscious effort and thought.

And also, this has drifted soooooooooo far, is this a record for furthest drift in shortest number of posts?


Big post.

Post 103

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

Wow! spooky simulpost, my brother thinks the same thing at the same time?!?!?!?!?!??

higher power anyone?


Big post.

Post 104

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'd love one, thanks! *picks out a Higher Power from box offered by FABT* smiley - aliensmile
I think that we ought to leave young people to make their own choice of religion (at my church, we have a practice whereby those who want to be confirmed have to submit a self-written letter) but we also have to remember that the parents believe that their religion is correct and all others are wrong. I will support tolerance of all kinds as far as possible but there is no religion on earth that allows for the existence of another religion's Gods or lack thereof.
I think that autist and I are in for a reckoning.

Big post.

Post 105

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

Hi Bob, do you want a Lesser Deiety to go with that Higher Power of yours?

Can I get in trouble for being a purveyor of Ominiscient Beings?

Well, I guess said Beings would stop me if they didn't like it huh?


Big post.

Post 106

the autist formerly known as flinch

There are lots of religions which that allows for the existence of, tolerate and respect the gods of other (and all) religions. Shinto and Ba'ahi are just two that spring to mind. Two the ten largest religions in the world (both larger than Judaeism).

I don't pay much attention to religion, what really bugs me is those who don't even pay attention to the religion they subscribe to.

Big post.

Post 107

the autist formerly known as flinch

I don't think you want a reckoning with me, you want to save your energy, that Higher Power of yours is going to be mightily p****d that you've taken him out of his box, have you any idea how long he was up on that mountainside before he convinced someone to build a box for him to live in? I'd get him back in there before he notices. smiley - winkeye

Big post.

Post 108


Most religions I've encountered that tolerate the existance of other Gods do so by taking the view that all Gods are different expressions of the same Deity. However, most religions are more tolerant of other tolerant religions than of intolerant religions, I think.

There are, for example, various different forms of paganism - Druidism and Wicca being just two - but they all believe in fundamentally the same things, and so coexist quite nicely despite dealing with different manifestations of the Deity.

I think part of the problem is when you get religions whereby the only way to contact God is to go through the priesthood. This places too much power in the hands of the priests and can cause serious problems (but sometimes it works for some people).

I'm trying not to slag off any religions here, but it's not very easy so please excuse me if I slip up from time to time. It is every person's free choice to follow whatever religion they wish. As many pagans believe "do as ye will, an it harm none". Unfortunately sometimes people's chosen religions cause them to attempt to convert others, and that is where I draw the line.

Big post.

Post 109


Yes this place really has had some topic drift. So moving the subject sideways a bit more. Have you heard about these great new books written about a kid who finds out he's a wizard smiley - smiley

Big post.

Post 110

the autist formerly known as flinch

Did you read the one about the kid who finds out he's God?

Back to harry

Post 111


Shock horror! I went to see the harry potter film last night and happily sat there watching it when at the really crucial point after the chess sence everthing stopped the film had snapped!!!!!!! Can go back to watch it again if want to but don't have the time. I'll never know (except for the fact i can remember what happens in the book)

Easily spotted lots of the shots of durham smiley - winkeye

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Post 112

the autist formerly known as flinch

I has a similar experience with "The Fifth Element" the film snapped at the bit where the bomb was about to go of and the countdown thing was clicking away and it got to zero and - FIN - the film was over, no credits nothing, everyone dead and gone show over. Wow, i thought, what an audacious end to a film. Then the manager came out and appologised for the film snapping.

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Post 113


Hehe, what a great timing. You should almost tell Luc Besson.

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Post 114

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i saw the matrix at a student film society with lots of beer. It got caught somehow and the film slowed down greatly in the middle with the sound track totally out of sinc. it took a while for us to notice......smiley - smiley


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Post 115


When I was a student I helped run the film club. One time we decided to show Casablanca and the print whe it arrived was in appalling condition. It even had "condemned" stamped on the tin! It took the team two days to cut and splice the damaged sections out of the film to put it into a showable condition.

The perk of doing that job was I generated lots anf lots of genuine "Casablanca book marks" to give my film obsessed family as presentssmiley - smiley

Oh BTW, isn't this thread supposed to be about Happy Potter? Never mind with this much topic drift we'll be back there soon (after going through Russian Women shotputters of the 20th Century, and how to cook the perfect omelette no doubt smiley - winkeye)

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Post 116

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

That's funny...I heard that the next HP book will feature Olga Slumpski, a gifted cook working exclusively with eggs whose record-breaking throwing arm also flips pans like nobody's business. And is also highly magical... never mind.

Film was spiffing, and no one is going to tell me I'm silly for liking kiddie's stuff so much. It wasn't around when I qualified for child-dom, so what else is there to do?

Played that Pants game yet?
smiley - smiley

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Post 117

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Three cheers for Mandragora! smiley - cheerssmiley - coolsmiley - flyhismiley - biggrin

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Post 118


smiley - biggrin

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Post 119


That's just two.

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Post 120


I had to stop in order to smiley - biggrin

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