A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
nortirascal Posted Mar 25, 2010
Brilliant Xanatic, I look forward to hearing what was on the menu. This is better than an episode of the Archers.
Roast guinea pig perhaps, yummy. She does sound bright and lovely, look to the future my friend, life is for living, but well. Anything else, just have a cold shower man!
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 26, 2010
I´m just looking at some geology summer jobs. If I got those I would be out of this town in two months time. Not the best timing.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
nortirascal Posted Mar 27, 2010
She sounds as thouogh she really likes you as a person, sounds a bit girly of me but they are always the best. You have
and steam mail is always more personal while you're away
On the geology front I had an associate of mine was working in Northern India doing some geology work. While he was there he ws approached by a terribly nice Sikh chap from the British Embassy, in a cut glass Oxford BBC English accent he asked him:
"Would you mind just popping over the border for us and having a look at "
Repy: "Supposing I get caught!"
"Just say you lost your way, they may be a little bit beastly to you, however I'm sure they will simply pop you back over the border"
"What happened" I asked.
"They caught me and were frightfully beastly to me"
Never a dull moment in life
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 27, 2010
I´m doing some work on intrusions in Northern India. Sadly they´ve just sent me samples, they won´t let me go there.
I´ve seen that Mexican girl I was on a date with last year is hanging out at my institute. Maybe I´ll go say hi, see how she is.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Bright Blue Shorts Posted Mar 27, 2010
"I've seen that Mexican girl I was on a date with last year is hanging out at my institute. Maybe I'll go say hi, see how she is."
Yes ... go for it. You're on a roll now and it'll keep you grounded about the Bolivian ...
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
nortirascal Posted Mar 27, 2010
You're tastes are impeccable Xanatic, I also do love the Latina ladies, Shakira etc. Phwoarrrrr. It's the olive skin, dark brown eyes and dark hair that just melt my heart, that and the dipthongs in English pronounciation by Spaniards . Spanish is such a beautiful language
Just don't tell Lanzababy
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 27, 2010
Yeah, that´s why I go for them. Nothing at all to do with them being the only ones agreeing to go out with me.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 27, 2010
Well, I did try to get this Russian to go for coffee with me this weekend. She´s busy with exams though.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Mar 27, 2010
Well, as to Latinas...girls´ eyes should be like men´s feet - large, black and moist.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 27, 2010
Looks like I might not have time for the Bolivian dinner before I head off to my dad´s birthday party. Dammit.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 27, 2010
That would be a very brave man.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Bright Blue Shorts Posted Mar 27, 2010
Or a player whose family are used to seeing him turn up with a different woman every week ...
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 27, 2010
Hmm, it was more her reaction than theirs I would be worried about.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
toybox Posted Mar 27, 2010
That could be an awkward moment to bring her amidst your family anyway. Huge family reunion? Too many people knowing each other against a single newcomer, possibly.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Mar 27, 2010
Xan, don´t. Not if you can´t be absolutely sure that no granny of yours will immediately start knitting baby socks.
Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
Xanatic Posted Mar 27, 2010
I won´t be bringing her, don´t worry. I doubt I would see her again if I did.
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Where can I find some nice friendly girls?
- 8721: toybox (Mar 25, 2010)
- 8722: nortirascal (Mar 25, 2010)
- 8723: Xanatic (Mar 26, 2010)
- 8724: nortirascal (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8725: Xanatic (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8726: Bright Blue Shorts (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8727: nortirascal (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8728: Xanatic (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8729: nortirascal (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8730: Xanatic (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8731: nortirascal (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8732: Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8733: Xanatic (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8734: Bright Blue Shorts (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8735: Xanatic (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8736: Bright Blue Shorts (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8737: Xanatic (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8738: toybox (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8739: Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) (Mar 27, 2010)
- 8740: Xanatic (Mar 27, 2010)
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