A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 121

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

Sacrifices to the Gods of Basic Literacy??? I add a link to a page I set up a few weeks ago, to the Other Pantheon of Gods. The Gods of Basic Literacy belong on there, along with any other Deities you can think of. http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F19585?thread=122716 "Whose name do you take in vain?" Feel free to add, in case the Gods become Small Gods and turn into tortoises (or small spiders)! x x Fenny

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 122

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

(Ooh, Discworld!)
Local Papers offend the gods of Basic Literacy more than anything, who celebrate their being cast into the flames.
We've been disassembling our kitchen of late, and the toaster's in a dark corner. I've been pondering how many creatures may have fallen in and been consumed at one time or another... but everything tastes the same when charcoaled.

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 123

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

No wonder I have nightmares! I just had a flashback from the horrible description of the untimely end of two spiders in "James & the Giant Peach" where they are painted to the wall and death from starvation and fumes occurs! But Dahl was always into horrible descriptions!

x x Fenny (now quivering wreck!)

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 124


.... that's why I *loved* him so much when I was a child (and still do, by the way). Bless Roald Dahl!

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 125

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

And some people hate him because they say he didn't like children. That's just the way to treat them- be horrible, rude and disgusting and they can't get enough of you.
What a truly great man he was.

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 126

Dorothy Outta Kansas

My office is full of spider-plants! There's one on every desk, and we keep getting new shoots!

Anyone got any phobias about plants with lots of greenery? smiley - winkeye

x x Fenny

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 127


Stinging Neetles.. if you got stoned off them, I'd be a rich man. As it is, I can't see the point.

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 128


Neetles. What's wrong you never heard of them or summit?

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 129

Dorothy Outta Kansas

As a kid, I couldn't see much difference between neetles, nettles and thistles (let alone thisselssmiley - smiley.) They all hurt when you touched them.

They also tried to tell me caterpillars were poisonous. I didn't believed that any more than I thought spiders were poisonous! (I'm not denying that either are, just mentioning what I thought at age 5!)

x x Fenny

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 130


You've just reminded me, when I was 5 or 6, elders used to say, "Don't touch the hairy catapillars, because they're poisonous." Now what was all that about. Because they're not. Aren't they?

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 131

Dorothy Outta Kansas

...Minutes afterward, I am able to announce the fruit of some serious Encyclopaedia Brittanica (online) research:

Caterpillars do not appear to be poisonous. I submit that our parents thought it would be a good idea to misinform us, in order that our tender little stomachs didn't try to digest tomorrow's butterflies (who knows, perhaps they are poisonous if you try to eat them?)

x x Fenny (going to reacquaint myself with my bed!)

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 132

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

Caterpillars are poisonous sometimes to things that eat them, which is why they come in such pretty colours. However some of the furry ones have irritant hairs, similar to tarantulas. I doubt they occur in this country, though. Maybe our elders were preparing us for disaster should we ever travel abroad.

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 133


'this country' = England?

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 134

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

This country = England, for Mandragora and Fenny, at least!

x x Fenny

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 135

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

This is one thing I can't get over with the Guide. Someone suddenly posting something like "Over here in Guatemala..." etc. It's very educational.
Yes, boring dreary damp England, with its single poisonous snake (and that feeble)and complete lack of creatures that squirt disfiguring acid.
Anyone from Brazil with anecdotes about the Brown Recluse Spider? There's a nasty one.

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 136


I've always been told that the most poisonous frog lives in Brazil as well! smiley - smiley
And Australia has got a whole range of deadly sneaky beasts too... (on the land and in the water)

What's Wrong with Spiders?

Post 137


Japan, noted for its giant insects -- Mothra -- is home to a rather pretty centipede that resembles a grey and white striped feather. It also moves quite rapidly, zipping along the floor, wall or even ceiling, which enhances its feather-likeness.

It's bite is venomous, similar to the Black Widow spider, and has been known to kill small animals and children. It will bite if it happens to land on you and you attempt to brush it off...

Makes you jump a bit if you see one! smiley - yikes

I understand one of the more deadly snakes, the Mamba, will actually chase you... and it is quite fast.

Suddenly, spiders don't seem so bad smiley - smiley

The Dreaded Nettle....

Post 138

Rainbow (Slug no longer)

It's interesting that someone mentioned stinging nettles - a couple of days ago we were discussing them and wondering what countries other than the UK they occur in. Apparently the Romans brought them to England - so presumably they have them in Italy? And possibly wherever else the Romans went?

Do you have them in the US? I dont' believe they occur in OZ.

The Dreaded Nettle....

Post 139


If they only occur in the UK, does this mean that I can sell some?

The Dreaded Nettle....

Post 140






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