A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2001

Little Mischief

Currently reading 'Birth of Venus', getting ready to start 'Eragon'.

(The Return of) What book are you reading at this time?

Post 2002


I have just read *Adam and Eve and Pinch me* by Ruth Rendell,The last of my library books. I read almost anything except romance and war/cowboy books. I have recently reread *Wild Swans* by Jung Chang and that was brilliant..... touching and funny, it fills you with horror and pity but is so upliftingsmiley - smiley and well worth reading.It's about 3 women growing up in China and is written by the youngest, but it about how people cope in the most horrendous circumstances.

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2003

Barry (ask me about the Disneyland Resort)

1) Is the MS Reader available on all models?

Yes, I think it is. If it isn't in ROM (which it is on the models I looked at), you can always download it for free from MS and install it yourself.

2) Is it easy to see/read in most light?

Bright sunlight can make it very difficult to read (and impossible to read comfortably). I can read it outside with no problem so long as there is a modicum of shade. Outside of the light problem, I find the quality of the display and the ease of reading excellent.

3) What kind of books are you able to get for it? Are most books now released as eBooks?

I mostly use it for public domain books and haven't purchased any books for it. The best web site I've found for PD books is: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ However, you can always search the MS site for any books you desire: http://www.mslit.com/ They list books that are free and those that may be purchased.

I hope this helps.

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2004

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Just started reading "Fascism: A History" by Roger Eatwell.

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2005


What is Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of doubt?

I am reading(for the second time, which is rare for me) "Firebrand" by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It is wonderful. Alot of her stuff is; "Mists of Avalon" is my favourite (big surprise I'm suresmiley - winkeye)
which I want to re-read soon but cannot find in some boxes......
Aren't basements horrible? That is why I'm afraid of mine; not sceptres, the clutter.
I'm also reading "The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss(to my little one at bed time)it is really a wonderful read.

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2006

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

little chat about Malory and T.H. White about 50 posts ago
Mists of Avalon is very good smiley - ok
another good Arthurian story is the trilogy, Down the Long Wind, by Gillian Bradshaw

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2007

CaffienatedMonkey- (formally SupremeEarthworm) Dreaming of Sleep

"What is Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of doubt?"

Salmon of Doubt is a book written by Douglas Adams, apparently part of it tackles the theory of evolution. I haven't read it, and am, at this very moment, reading Life, the Universe, and Everything (all the while learning about the game of cricket, perplexing considering I'm an American).

Morte d'Arthur, is the Death of Arthur, its one of the most famous accounts of the Arthurian tales. It was big in medievel England along with the History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffry Monmouth, which I think is the earliest written account Arthur. Morte d'Arthur followed Monmouth...

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2008

Barry (ask me about the Disneyland Resort)

"Salmon of Doubt is a book written by Douglas Adams, apparently part of it tackles the theory of evolution."

Actually, that is part of it (by by no means most of it). It is an edited collection of works found on DNA's computer after his death. It inlcudes a chapter with a story about Zaphod Beeblebrox and portions of an unpublished Dirk Gently novel (as well as other musings, interviews and stories).

I just finished it and I recommend it for anyone who is interested in DNA's writing.

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2009

CaffienatedMonkey- (formally SupremeEarthworm) Dreaming of Sleep

"'Salmon of Doubt is a book written by Douglas Adams, apparently part of it tackles the theory of evolution.'

Actually, that is part of it (by by no means most of it). It is an edited collection of works found on DNA's computer after his death. It inlcudes a chapter with a story about Zaphod Beeblebrox and portions of an unpublished Dirk Gently novel (as well as other musings, interviews and stories).

I just finished it and I recommend it for anyone who is interested in DNA's writing."

Ahhh... Thanks, all is made clear...

A chapter with a story about Zaphod Beeblebrox? Is this different from 'Young Zaphod Plays it Safe' in the omnibus? (The edition I have)

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2010

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Barry said, "I hope this helps."

It sure does! Thanks, Barry.

I have come across PD books before; in fact I believe all of Frank L. Baum's "Oz" books are public domain.

It won't be too long before no tree will have to die for a trashy paperback novel (I don't mind the good books, but so many trees have died in vain...)! smiley - winkeye


Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2011

CaffienatedMonkey- (formally SupremeEarthworm) Dreaming of Sleep

"It won't be too long before no tree will have to die for a trashy paperback novel (I don't mind the good books, but so many trees have died in vain...)!smiley - winkeye"

LOL... I love paperback books, they're cheap, they're portable, and they're great at the beach. Its hardcover books I have a problem with mostly cause they aren't portable. Only hardcover books I carry are school books... And even then I refuse to carry those! smiley - winkeye

My opinion on the idea of PD books, which I assume are electronic books, is that it doesn't have the personal feel of a paperback or hardcover book. I mean there are no pages to turn... smiley - smiley

Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2012

Spaceechik, Typomancer

MorganLaFaie said "What is Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of doubt?"

Morgaine La Fay, or MorganLaFaie (your name) imply some knowledge of Geoffrey of Monmouth's "Viti Merlini", a medieval account of King Arthur's sorceror, Merlin and all the attendent legends, inluding the witch/?/fairy Morgan Le Fai, who took in the dying King Arthur after the last battle, offering to heal him. In the oldest legends, Morgan was a much less vilified character. But there's no way to know how much or why the legend may have been changed over time.

But you probably named yourself from the character in Marion Zimmer Bradley's "Mists of Avalon", come to think of it. Who was probably born (er..."suggested by") the medieval legend.

Some interesting info is here, if you're looking for legend and lore: http://www.efairies.com/fairy_lore.htm#M although I do wonder about some of the ties they site to the name. smiley - cheers


PD, or public domain books

Post 2013

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Supreme Earthworm said, "My opinion on the idea of PD books, which I assume are electronic books.."

PD stands for public domain, which means that books are no longer under copyright and can be distributed freely over the webm, or that their authors have allowed them to be shared.

My friend was very happy to discover that "The Wizard of Oz", and all the other Frank L Baum books were on the web, for her kids.


Le Morte d'Arthur and Salmon of Doubt

Post 2014

Barry (ask me about the Disneyland Resort)

"My opinion on the idea of PD books..."

Actually, I used PD to mean Public Domain. Books in the public domain are those for which the copyright has run out and as a consequence are royalty free. I use the term eBook for electronic books. I haven't yet purchased an eBook as all the ones I have are in the public domain.

PD, or public domain books

Post 2015

Barry (ask me about the Disneyland Resort)

"My friend was very happy to discover that "The Wizard of Oz", and all the other Frank L Baum books were on the web..."

Would you mind finding the site and posting the link here (especially if it includes the original illustrations)?

PD, or public domain books

Post 2016

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I was just going to put the book(s) I am reading at the moment, but I'd also like to say that this discussion about E books is very interesting!
My current books: Ordeal by Linda Lovelace (re-read)
Hollywood Animal by Joe Ezsterhas
The Legend of Deathwalker by David Gemmell.

PD, or public domain books

Post 2017

CaffienatedMonkey- (formally SupremeEarthworm) Dreaming of Sleep

"PD stands for public domain, which means that books are no longer under copyright and can be distributed freely over the webm, or that their authors have allowed them to be shared."

Errr... Well thats nifty... Aren't they hard to read though, sitting in front of the computer screen? (Yet again, I'd buy a book for the act of turning pages so the idea of looking at a computer screen read em seem quite uncomfortable.) I have seen a few around, a friend found a link full of Asimov stories. I even stumbled upon the Communist Manifesto, which I wanna read sometime... Didn't know what to call em, but haven't read em for the reason I stated above. I find the lack of page turning discomfting for long reads...

PD, or public domain books

Post 2018

Sho - employed again!

Just got back from my Jollies where I finished A Short History of Nearly Everything - and I can't recommend it highly enough.

I also read Sharpe's Regiment and Sharpe's Siege (both by Bernard Cornwell) as part of my ongoing project to read all of the Sharpe books in publication order)

Added to that I read The Da Vinci Code - I thought it was generally good and pacy, but I'm not educated enough on a lot of the subject to separate truth from fiction but it was a fab holiday read even if the ending seemed a little rushed.

Moved on through HP and the Goblet of Fire to my current re-reading of HP and the Order of the Phoenix. In fact, I'm off to finish that right now smiley - run

PD, or public domain books

Post 2019

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

The Harry Potter books are brilliant, even for adults...

PD, or public domain books

Post 2020

Barry (ask me about the Disneyland Resort)

"Aren't they [eBooks] hard to read though, sitting in front of the computer screen?"

Yes, smiley - ok that is why I don't sit in front of a computer screen to read eBooks. I have an HP iPaq PDA. I find it very comfortable to read except in bright sunlight (it also has the slight disadvantage of needing to be recharged regularly). I have read several books using it and find the advantage of being able to carry lots of books in my shirt pocket outweighs the disadvantages.

Here are the books I currently have on my iPaq:

Around the World in 80 Days / Verne
Phantastes: A Fairy Romance for Men and Women / Macdonald
Le Morte d'Arthur / Mallory
An English dictionary
The New American Standard bible
The King James bible
The New King James bible
Strong's concordance
Robertson's bible commentary

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