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Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 61

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

"In any case, house spiders are mostly harmless and beneficial. Human property rights mean nothing to other species. There was spider habitat for millions of years where your home is now. My advice is, "just wave as they go by."

smiley - biggrin Mostly harmless indeedsmiley - biggrin

A really interesting site. Apparentaly there aren't even any truly fatally poisonous spiders in existance! Just a handful of people die each year from allergic reactions..

I've always found it a little weird when people talk of spiders having "no right to be in my house" like they have any concept whatsoever of your mortgage repaymentssmiley - laugh

Another interesting fact I picked up there (just to make some people even more nervous) is that house spiders actually spend all their time in your house- they don't 'come in' from outside. So when a big one 'just appears', i'm afraid it has really been there all long, it's just that you haven't seen it...

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 62

F F Churchton

Spiders know about the human right to have a home, they just pretend they don't!!!

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 63

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

So you think that maybe it's spiders who govern the world, not the mice?smiley - bigeyes

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 64

Mol - on the new tablet

If I can't see it, there's not a problem.

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 65

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Ok, I now have a huge problem. Spiders, if they have to be in my house then they should stay in the bathroom and kitchen. Under no circumstances whatsoever should they be in my BED!!!!

I'm choosy about who is allowed in my bed and certainly something that hairy and horrid doesn't get an invite!!!
I went to bed last night - ok, early hours of this morning - and there was this hideous thing, huge, hairy and vile, crashed out on my pillow!!! I'm thinking the the spiders are starting to take the smiley - bleep I threw this one out of an upstairs window and I hope it broke all its legs when it landed!!!
I don't support animal cruelty but spiders are the exception!!!

smiley - grr Will

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 66

Gnomon - time to move on

>>I went to bed last night - ok, early hours of this morning - and there was this hideous thing, huge, hairy and vile, crashed out on my pillow!!!

You're not married, are you?

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 67


smiley - ermsmiley - laugh

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 68

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

smiley - roflsmiley - biggrin Certainly not, but if I was, it certainly wouldn't be to anything that even vaguely resembled what I found n my bed.

Thanks for the giggles though!

smiley - hug Will

Spiders, winters and too many legs!!

Post 69

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Wish I'd spotted this thread sooner. Our friends, well my friends, the spiders need twice as many legs as 'fast mammmals' because they live in a 3 dimensional evironment and aren't just pounding across the 2 dimensional flat earth.

Secondly, the feed on all sort of tiny nasty bugs like lice and dust mites and their work is invaluable. Theu are better than guard dogs.

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