A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7401

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

or an electrician?

*tries to think of other uses for this ending*


Oooh, oooh, paediatrician, who would be a paediatric doctor, or a paediactrical doctor?

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7402

Gnomon - time to move on


Patrician - someone who is involved with Patricks?

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7403

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

So a statistician deals with statistics.
A paediatrician deals with paediatrics (or paediatric medicine).
An electrician deals with electrics (or ...al equipment smiley - winkeye).

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7404

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Nothing to add, I'm afraid, but to say that I'm lurking on this thread with great enthusiasm and interest at the moment. Maybe one day I'll have something pertinent to contribute. smiley - smiley

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7405


"Patrician - someone who is involved with Patricks?"
smiley - laugh nice one Gnomon!

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7406


Patricia Anne?
That is no lady - that's my wife.

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7407

You can call me TC

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

I'm still laughing about the electric hair drier! (Dries electric hair?)

And am also grappling with the concept of an electric engineer!


And Manical vixen's "warm particle" - great for a cryptic clue!


BTW - the Justin Timberlake/Janet Jackson story finally found its way into the German media this morning. The "wardrobe malfunction" was translated as "clothing malfunction" - thus, I think, proving that most people would let the wardrobe staff off and put the blame entirely on the clothing itself.

As far from innocent as the two of them probably are, I am still pretty sure that it was an accident. Perhaps Mr Timberlake doesn't have quite as much experience with ladies' wardrobes as he would have us believe and really didn't expect it to happen.


And Ben, - what is "vomic" Sounds like a cleaning fluid, or a cool alcopop beverage. Or a nauseating comic?

And that was just the first on the list!


The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7408

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Further comments from Justin indicate that it was no mistake - he meant to do it but somebody had forgotten her underwear smiley - blush

347?thread=3479585/thread/377734" >F19585?thread=377734&latest=1

The last tense of resistance is fertile

Post 7409

Researcher 556780

How can anyone forget their underwear, unless they intentionally forgot it, in which case they didn't really forget it at all....smiley - laughsmiley - diva

*personal note - hurrah for electronic dictionaries, otherwise mine would've had scorch marks on it by now, the frequent virtual thumbing that I have to do to keep up wif you lot smiley - tongueout

smiley - cheers

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7410

You can call me TC

Here's a quote from a comment in imdb about the Jack Black film "School of Rock"

"were the slow reverse shots that demonstrated Black's ability to act not only comedically, but also physically"

What I am wondering is: how do you PRONOUNCE comedically??

And another comment labels the film "formulaic"

They're everywhere now we've been made aware of them!

Like pregnant women!

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7411



"What I am wondering is: how do you PRONOUNCE comedically??"

Nice to be asked.
I pronounce it com_mee dick al_li, with (of course) the accent on *ME*!
smiley - biggrin

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7412


and the difference between comedically and comically is?

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7413



Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7414


A quick look at dictionary.com says that both are "Of or pertaining to comedy". So no difference at all apparently.

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7415


Lost. Or lostically lost?

to Janet Jacksons display of tackiness, aw c'mon it was all on purpose a cheap promotional guff, and all we are talking about are helping their cause.

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7416


Comical Ali

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7417


smiley - erm

(to give the previous post some context)

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7418

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ..difference between comedically and comically is? <<

To my ear there is again a distinction of separateness or 'distance from' suggested by comedically. Perhaps because anyone can be a comic but a comedian is a professional up on a stage. We are buffered from the comedic but the comical are among us.

smiley - biggrin

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7419


Have just watched School of Rock. And my own comment was "formulaic" meaning "written to a standard plot-line that's been tried and tested and is available in many other examples of the genre"

Comedical performance? He made me laugh. But wasn't comical. If that helps.

Linguistic Hiccups - or Hiccalups?

Post 7420

Gnomon - time to move on

Amusing, but not funny, perhaps?

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