A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Is anyone else lost?

Post 21


I prefer to not believe in time or space. It's a bit difficult, but once you've got the hang of it, it's alot easier not to believe in anything else. It makes "reality" alot more fun even when everything seems to be going badly. (seeing as w/out time or space there's no such thing as "going" or "badly")

P.S. I'm fresh out of tacos, but here's a burrito if you'd like

smiley - smiley

Is anyone else lost?

Post 22

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

Hi there..just looking for people to talk to at the moment,,where'd you go?

Is anyone else lost?

Post 23

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

We're all stil.. Hey you're right Mister Fenchurch. Say, I just noticed your license plate number only has five digits fella. How long you been in these parts.
Oh, burritos are on offer. Have one, I hear they're 'going' 'badly'.
Miss Soup, a couple of burritos here and I know I'm gonna need more coffee. Fenchurch.. Not the Fish Farm Fenchurch? The Anglerkin?

Is anyone else lost?

Post 24


Try the tacos. They're the house speciality. With a free shot of tequila

Is anyone else lost?

Post 25


And it's spelt Tijuana.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 26

Researcher 170012

lets stop trying to baffle the pixies among us with probability..you are lost only because you have not yet opened your eyes.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 27



It's more like swimming in a big lake and not knwoing where the edge is (for me). I think some people just get tired of swimming. I don't think being lost means that there is "a way". I am lost but I don't think there are any great answers. The one thing I do now is I think it's stupid that we all have to do jobs we hate just to eat!
Love FC

Is anyone else lost?

Post 28


your not realy lost, your sitting infront of your computer

Is anyone else lost?

Post 29

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I prefer to think that IT is sitting in front of me.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 30


Maybe we are lost. Or maybe we are just waking up. If so, its about bloody time! smiley - rose

Is anyone else lost?

Post 31


to the one looking for Texas.
I'm there now, and I think i'd rather get lost than be here much longer.

as to the question of being lost.. How can you define being lost at all? You may know where you ARE now, but how do you know if thats where your Supposed to be, or you may know where your Going but again how do you know thats where you are Supposed to be going?
you could be lost and not even know it.

me? I know it. I like it. Its much more fun to walk about in a haze than have to worry about where you came from, where you are, and where you are headed....

Just dont forget your towel.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 32

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

...and pack plenty of tacos and tequila for the journey!

Is anyone else lost?

Post 33


Well ! I guess by definition you can only be lost if you know what you're looking for. You seem as though that's not the case. Does that mean you're confused ? Fill me in on the gaps if you care to please.
I'm new around here by the way.
Best wishes.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 34

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Shackman...? Shackman ...? You're not related to the Beverly Hills Shackmans are you?
Fact is we're all lost. Somebody started this thread a few months ago in a passing moment of post pubescent angst I think, but the conversation title attracted a lot of newbies thinking there might actually be some guide guidance in it. I began injecting smart ass (that's a donkey with intelligence, dear moderators) comments in an attempt to lighten the mood with my own brand of existential levity which subsequently scared off most of the young'uns, possible drove some of them to suicide. Because the subject "is anyone else lost' is apparently attracting more new people seeking guidance I feet obliged to continue inserting misdirection. I really hope that doesn't help at all. The only 'offishal' help and direction comes from the 'front page' and 'help' buttons and the links from them to FAQ's and Guide-ances ... I like that, I'll say it again...guidances...hmmmm.
Now where was I...

Is anyone else lost?

Post 35

Autumn Hughes

I'm not lost.
I'm just taking the scenic route. smiley - zoom

Is anyone else lost?

Post 36


Really nothing ? really nothing ? Never mind Beverly bl**dy hills, this one speaks for himself. If you came in here three months ago and you're still coming back for more YOU'RE LOST WITHOUT HOPE.
What's this "newbies" cr*p ? This newbie isn't looking for help from really nothings thanks. Good luck in here three monther let's hope you change back from the donkey...

Is anyone else lost?

Post 37

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Must be too much pepper in the Tacos again Pedro, the outhouse just imploded.

Is anyone else lost?

Post 38

Autumn Hughes

smiley - injured

Is anyone else lost?

Post 39

Mordac the Invincible (Lord of the Undead Chocolate Penguin Army)(Chief Toast Manufacturer)

umm hey have you guys visited [url removed by moderator] yet i think it will teach you a thing or two about lyrical terrorism...
oh yeah does any of you have any toast for me... or wait was i supposed to bring it???

Is anyone else lost?

Post 40


just whatever you do. DONT trust anything an orange says to you.

why you might ask?
because oranges dont talk and therefore if an orange says something to you then its not really an orange and therefore has already proven itself to not be trustworthy.

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