A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

What are you wearing today?

Post 11581

Dave D'Agostino

Scabby working-at-home clothes today, and hoping that no one looks through the window and sees me.

What are you wearing today?

Post 11582

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ooops, still in my pyjamas - pale blue with green frogs and pink stars - and the sandals I had to buy after our charity walk A87366207 because I had no toenails. smiley - doh

What are you wearing today?

Post 11583


Scabby working-at-home clothes here, too.

And covered in black and white cat hair, because someone was feeling eceptionally affectionate this morning - again.

What are you wearing today?

Post 11584


P.S. @Mala: Are you at home or at uni, dear? smiley - winkeye

What are you wearing today?

Post 11585

loonycat - run out of fizz

Scabbyish at home clothes too - black jeans and a grey t-shirt which probably smells of the onions I've been peeling smiley - wah

What are you wearing today?

Post 11586

Malabarista - now with added pony

Only very slightly less scruffy now - mismatched undies, socks with cartoonish sound effects written on them, blue jeans, teal top, dark blue velvet hoodie, black trainers. And a lot of black, oily handprints on the jeans because I just changed my bicycle inner tube. smiley - erm

What are you wearing today?

Post 11587


What kind of weirdo would give you socks with cartoon sound effects on them? smiley - weird

I'm wearing black boots, black jeans, and black shirt. And black T-shirt. If they weren't all so baggy and dishevelled I'd feel either a bit too militaristic or a bit too Johnny Cash. smiley - laugh

What are you wearing today?

Post 11588


The same kind of weirdo who gave me doggie treats for my birthday? smiley - laugh
Did I ever say thank you, by the way? They were delicious. smiley - magic

What are you wearing today?

Post 11589

Malabarista - now with added pony

Today I was wearing:

white bra, orange smiley - dolphin underpants
grey socks with suns and flowers on them
blue woolly socks
black tights
purple t-shirt
a blue fleece sweater, the warmest I have
black leather trousers
jodhpur boots and black chaps
an amber-coloured scarf with a horse and carriage print
a long blue waterproof riding coat
a teal blue tricorn hat
brown riding gloves
black fleece gloves

and I still managed to be cold... smiley - brr

What are you wearing today?

Post 11590


Maybe you should have traded places with the smiley - pony once in a while... smiley - whistle

What are you wearing today?

Post 11591

Malabarista - now with added pony

Do I look like Lucky Luke to you?

What are you wearing today?

Post 11592


smiley - snork

What are you wearing today?

Post 11593

loonycat - run out of fizz

I'm impressed by the tricorn hat smiley - wow

Today I'm in jeans, lilac t-shirt, khaki hoodie with printed hibiscus, white undies, beige mule slippers with pink ribbon smiley - erm

What are you wearing today?

Post 11594

Malabarista - now with added pony

Had the same as yesterday today, with the addition of even more layers. Still cold. smiley - brr

What are you wearing today?

Post 11595


Today im going fishing - first the worms - to be happy on the mudflats - green wellies - grey trousers, 2 pairs of socks,longjhons,tshirt,overshirt,underjumper,overjumper,coat - belt and of course a long knife.
At about 10 i shall take to the water - looks and sounds very calm out there, but just in case, the green bucket -
the snow has mostly gone - but there is a good deal of ice and of course the higher ground has not lost its snow.
im in Norway.

What are you wearing today?

Post 11596

loonycat - run out of fizz

A tad too much fresh air indoors today smiley - brr

Wearing dark grey cords, ancient black & white jumper, pale green t-shirt, blue socks.

What are you wearing today?

Post 11597

Malabarista - now with added pony

Was wearing much the same as last time - the complete highwayman getup - for work, but had to go to the international club's Christmas party after, so halfway decently dressed for once.

black pants, grey bra
teal blue leggings
brown dress
green, purple, and blue beaded belt with a wooden buckle
small silver triangular celtic knot necklace
light brown fake suede embroidered jacket
and my boots are off, so you can see that I've also got black socks with sheep in smiley - santa hats.

smiley - diva

What are you wearing today?

Post 11598


It appears no ones got changed since late 2011, HMMM fresh air needed one thinkssmiley - winkeye

Currently in a very warm black dressing gown and the old slippers and enjoying a good hot cup of smiley - tea, its 5 in the morningsmiley - yawn , I cannot sleep and it would be smiley - silly being dressed at this time.

What are you wearing today?

Post 11599

Malabarista - now with added pony

Currently wearing the usual types of undies, thick blue socks, black leather trousers (very muddy) with knee-length leggings under them, black Oxfam t-shirt, wine red university hoodie with fleecy lining, a stripy scarf and hiking boots. Just came in from a field trip, and it's cooold out there. smiley - brr

What are you wearing today?

Post 11600


Well I’m smiley - sorry to say but given the time of day I currently post, inevitably I will be wearing the same things, being black dressing gown and old slippers and given that I’ve woken up at 2 in the morningsmiley - yawn again, I have a good hot smiley - tea next to me.
Yesterday when I was out and aboutsmiley - run I was wearing a strange knitted jumpersmiley - erm I saw in a catalogue which my girlfriend bought for me at Christmassmiley - santa and we both initially took a dislike to itsmiley - yikes.
I now wear it quite a lot , it’s chunky with a raised knitted design which is silvery/ white in colour with a black background and the neck and collar have black inner linings.
Its incredibly warmsmiley - towel, anyway enough about itsmiley - shhh,some really old jeans, which with lots of washing have turned a funny blue/ green colour and are tight fitting, that more to do with me carrying my winter weight on me.
I have a pair of old style army boots which I love and although I have been bought , again for Christmassmiley - santa, there replacements, I still wear my old boots , very shiny and lots of laces.
I have to wear two pairs of socks , all odd of course , must be a boy thingsmiley - doh.
Some snazzy black and silver boxers and on top of that lot when I went out doors I put on my new trench coat , cream wool scarf and black leather gloves, very colour coordinated I think you could say smiley - winkeye

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