A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 21

A Super Furry Animal

A map of Germany, Dan, his desk/computer/workstation, some box files, a window and a radiator.

To the right, a paper plate with some chocolate crispies and flapjack snack thingies, and a clementine.

Vote Right!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 22

Omega Jones

Somebody at a computer. Same to the right. I'm in a computer room...

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 23


If I look to the left I can see the whole of my lounge, my desk is up against the right hand wall, so I definitely vote "look left!" cos to my right I've just got a really boring wall!! smiley - biggrin

But to my left I've got...

my sofa, a lovely comfy chair and matching (smiley - erm) footstool, my tv, stereo, a gorgeous lamp which changes colour depending where you are in the room, anything else that is normally in a lounge, and ALL my house plants, my window sill is plastered with them, and so is every available surface in here, it's too cold for my beautiful orchids in the rest of the flat during the winter!! smiley - winkeye

L x smiley - rose

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 24


I'm now in a computer room. So all I can see is computers looking left.
I can also for some reason see a dictionary with the cover ripped off...smiley - erm

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 25

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

To my right - people drinking coffee, discussing Hollyoaks and Neighbours smiley - rolleyes

To my left, books - amongst others:
Infectious Diseases (vols. 1 and 2)
Clinical Virology Manual
Campylobacter and it's consequences (hopefully not illustrated)
Illustrated Medical Dictionary (only for if you have a very strong stomach)
A Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases
An Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Not sure which is worse, illustrations of VD, or discussions about crap soap operas...

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 26


An annoying person called Dave.

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 27


An annoying person called Dave. (off of the bus song).

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 28


A really ugly window with really ugly aluminium looking blinds and tube of Next hand cream and the clock.

What do you see if you look to the left?

Post 29

Omega Jones

Same computers, less people - and for some reason, someone's got a German dictionary.

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