A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
The Original Subject
marvthegrate LtG KEA Posted Dec 14, 1999
Been good so far. I have a new job as of nextr week!
The Original Subject
Dizzy the Void Posted Dec 14, 1999
Monty Python sketch:
Dear sirs, I would like to complain about these letters. They are clearly not written by the general public and are merely included for a cheap laugh. Yours etc., George M. Knickers.
Oh, and no you didn't, Shazz.
The Original Subject
Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) Posted Dec 15, 1999
my bob, this is all so terribly sexy.
I'm celebrating fake birthday tomorrow. I'll drink one to your health marv- a real celebration.
The Original Subject
TowelMaster Posted Dec 15, 1999
By the way : has anybody ever heard of position 42 ? According to the Kama Sutra it is called 'Prajitna Ran Goon' and is supposed to bring the ultimate pleasure...
The Original Subject
Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396) Posted Dec 15, 1999
I'm not sure whether I was born ... and, YK, if *Mewtwos* (if the plural can be applied here) reproduce.
Heaping load of good I'm doing here, hmm?
The Original Subject
marvthegrate LtG KEA Posted Dec 15, 1999
Does the 42nd posisition involve monkeys at all.
The Original Subject
Zaphod Posted Dec 15, 1999
[Zaphod walks back from the corner of the room, looking a little distressed]
"Hi guys, I'm back, sorry - I just couldn't handle the smell of that pegasus poo over there. I just called Bluebottle's dishwashing & cleaning services and they should be along soon"
Well done on the job Marv, goodonya !
So, does this mean the psychotherapy session is over, or is the doctor still in attendance.
Hi, Saff- still hot ?
(the weather I mean)
The Original Subject
msmonsy Posted Dec 15, 1999
the session has got a bit astray but what else is new in the land of h2g2 ....i am still here scribbling in my notepad (getting some good stuff too i might add) so just keep on chatting and pretend i am not here
The Original Subject
Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) Posted Dec 15, 1999
by just not looking at the one-way onservation screen she's seated behind.
The Original Subject
marvthegrate LtG KEA Posted Dec 15, 1999
It would help if the mirror was not just propped up with a chair and some boards. Monsy, I mean really. You could at least *try* to be hide yourself out of the way.
The Original Subject
marvthegrate LtG KEA Posted Dec 15, 1999
And you are in a place to know that I am positive. I will not try to run from her at all, but I will try to trip up her inteligence gathering service. MCi the Mansy Cantral inteligence.
Key: Complain about this post
The Original Subject
- 181: marvthegrate LtG KEA (Dec 14, 1999)
- 182: shazzPRME (Dec 14, 1999)
- 183: TowelMaster (Dec 14, 1999)
- 184: shazzPRME (Dec 14, 1999)
- 185: Dizzy the Void (Dec 14, 1999)
- 186: shazzPRME (Dec 14, 1999)
- 187: Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) (Dec 15, 1999)
- 188: TowelMaster (Dec 15, 1999)
- 189: Mewtwo and Vekura (Pokémon League: A285905. Be a superhero: A380396) (Dec 15, 1999)
- 190: marvthegrate LtG KEA (Dec 15, 1999)
- 191: saffire (Dec 15, 1999)
- 192: shazzPRME (Dec 15, 1999)
- 193: Zaphod (Dec 15, 1999)
- 194: msmonsy (Dec 15, 1999)
- 195: shazzPRME (Dec 15, 1999)
- 196: Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) (Dec 15, 1999)
- 197: marvthegrate LtG KEA (Dec 15, 1999)
- 198: TowelMaster (Dec 15, 1999)
- 199: marvthegrate LtG KEA (Dec 15, 1999)
- 200: TowelMaster (Dec 15, 1999)
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