A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Community Artist

I am the fairydoodler.....

Post 1

fairydoodler (artist!?!?!?:\ )

Would love to join the community...... been doing to much 'cutesy' art for American ladies!!!! need to find the path again!!!! you can check out my 'doodles' at http://www.doodles4u.co.uk look forward to hearing from you..................

I am the fairydoodler.....

Post 2

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)


I've got a form letter for you, just a second [pulls out a worn and folded piece of paper.]

smiley - popcorn

Thanks for volunteering to be a Community Artist.

To join this volunteer scheme there is an art test. This is because the standard of Edited Entries on h2g2 is very high, and the Editors would like the illustrations to match this

Two random Edited Entries have been picked using the Infinite Improbability Drive. You are asked to do a picture for each of them. You can look in the <./>GuideML-PictureLibrary</.> for the kind of graphics used in the past, use the entry for inspiration, and use the internet for research, but make sure that you follow the specifications that you can find on the <./>CommunityArtists-What</.> page.

Please produce just the main image for each title. For this test each image must be rectangular, not more than 200 pixels wide and have a black border that is one pixel thick.

Once the graphics are done, let the Editors know by Posting to this thread. The details for sending them into h2g2 will then be given to you.

If your pictures meet the Editorial standards then not only will you become a Community Artist but your test pictures will be uploaded to h2g2 and added to the entries.

Your entries are:
A873849 Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
A706763 Measuring Blood Pressure

Feel free to ask questions and good luck.

NB: The same rules of copyright apply to images as to text. If you are in any doubt as to what this means, please ask. Also, the Editors do not want to see photographic manipulations or montages.

smiley - popcorn

Just let us know when you're done with the graphics. If you have web space available, post it here, and if not, we'll work out something else. Have fun!

I am the fairydoodler.....

Post 3

fairydoodler (artist!?!?!?:\ )

HI....Lentilla.....here are two very quick attempts.....unfortunately I've maybe been a bit too adventurous with the LXG one!!!.....but you'll get the idea.....



~*~Fairy D~*~

I am the fairydoodler.....

Post 4

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Most excellent! These look great.

A few minor nits -

• Your blood pressure graphic doesn't actually need type to work - and the Italics prefer it if there isn't any text in the graphic.

• Watch your border size. Borders should be one pixel thick, and no more - they seem to be very strict on this one. The League graphic doesn't have one, and the blood pressure graphic is too thick.

• Both of your graphics are actually 200x180, rather than 200x160. While they do make exceptions for certain occasions, they prefer that everything be 160 pixels tall.

All in all though, good job! I'll let the folks upstairs know what's going on.

I am the fairydoodler.....

Post 5

fairydoodler (artist!?!?!?:\ )

Hi again Lentilla.....okay, I've re-sized the graphics and the borders...played a bit more with the LXG one.......they are actually 200x160 but I was really sad and put shadows on them all!!!!!!!

I am the fairydoodler.....

Post 6

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Sorry it's taken a while to get back with you - I don't usually check my email or blogs on the weekend.

Those look fine and dandy. There's no need for a shadow, as Jimster will want to put the graphic in the entry. I'll let the other artists know that you've completed your two graphics, and let them stop by with comments and questions.

I am the fairydoodler.....

Post 7

Smij - Formerly Jimster

These are marvellous - I really like that middle League of Extraordinary Gents graphic with the eye-glass.

I'll therefore be sending you an invitation to join the Artists' Yahoo group later today. Woohoo! smiley - bubbly

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