A Conversation for The Answer To The Ultimate Question Of Life, The Universe, And Everything

42... Which is...

Post 21

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Ouch...smiley - sadface
There is a theory that states that once the question has been solved that this universe will suddenly vanish and another universe will appear that is ten times more difficult.

Another theory states that this has already happend. smiley - bigeyes

42... Which is...

Post 22

Smiley Ben

I'd like to add that my arm does not appear to be bruised.

42... Which is...

Post 23

The Dancing Tree

Mine neither, although I have had a bad cold for the last two days and have therefore taken a few paracetamol at various intervals. Hence, I could have bruised my arm and not actually noticed. Can't be bothered to check right now.

42... Which is...

Post 24

Smiley Ben

So who are we left with then?

If everyone said whether they have a bruised arm we'll know who it was! (especially if the person with the bruised arm speaks!)...

Let's work together! Together we can crack this enigma!!!!!

42... Which is...

Post 25


(checks arm) okay, okay, who figured me out?

42... Which is...

Post 26

Marvin T Android

Anonymous tip off. Actually, I could see the question to 42 in the brainwaves of that humanoid
who left me so suddenly whilst the ship I was on plummeted towards a sun. I must also point out that
although my left diodes are aching, I have no bruises on my upper arm. Honest. I don't. Really I don't!

42... Which is...

Post 27


I am only a lowly little Space Monkey and i am 42lbs, does that make me the question? i equal 42. But what am i? Ah damn this isn't getting solved very quickly is it? If life is like a box of bananas and i have 42 of them, am i limited to only 42 per box/life or can it be any number?

42... Which is...

Post 28

Princess Leia

...what size (Swedish) I take in shoes, plus 3. And my arm isn't bruised yet...

42... Which is...

Post 29


I vaguely remember 42 being the critical ratio between Uranium 235 and 238 - whereupon you have weapons grade material !

42... Which is...

Post 30


Lifes a bitch - and then you die.
Who needs numerical proof of this truism ?

42... Which is...

Post 31


The phrase "In the begining, the Universe was created." minus the quotes, and including the letters, spaces, and punctuation marks, contains 42 symbols.

42... Which is...

Post 32

Princess Leia

I think you got that a bit wrong. Life's a bitch and then you marry one. At least that's what I heard. On the other hand "life's short and hard like a body building elf" (Blood Hound Gang) works nicely too.

42... Which is...

Post 33

QuadBee (39130)

Life is like a trip to the Big Bang Burger Bar. Before you know you're going, you've already been.

42... Which is...

Post 34

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

Life is like a log-flume, its down hill all the way and then its the end. Unless of course your me in wich it dosn't end.

42... Which is...

Post 35

THE Ladybird

to think that you dont respect me simply becos i havent changed my name!! but i ask you this ...Whats in a name??? and if the answer be 42 well then i ..urm ..rest my case entirely!

Oh and by the way - OUCH!!

42... Which is...

Post 36


the result of any kind of more or less difficult mathematical operation you can do with all researcher numbers...

But what about that magic number "23"???
which is (by accident) not half of 42, but has played in a couple of people's life an important role.
Just think of that movie called "23" (Well, okay probably just german speaking people actually know it, but still)

The Answer

Post 37


The Answer

Post 38

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

smiley - bigeyes makes sense to me.

42... Which is...

Post 39

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

You try remembering Researcher 40250... 040...or whatever it is.

What's in a name?

Post 40

Zach Garland

Not a number. A rose by any number is still named ROSE.


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