A Conversation for The Ruined Indian Village

Village Outskirts

Post 21

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] [waving] Over here!

Village Outskirts

Post 22


Oh, hello there, I'm told Lil is around here somewhere.

Village Outskirts

Post 23

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero gestures in the direction he last saw Lil hiding]

Village Outskirts

Post 24

The Lone Jello and Tontello

*the new interloper is watched by a grey clad figure in a black mask and his faithful indian sidekick from within the ruins*

Village Outskirts

Post 25

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

*climbs up into the village*

Village Outskirts

Post 26


*Clambours up to Zero* Err, so is she still there then? I heard something about a church.

Village Outskirts

Post 27

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

*attempts to climb an old ladder leading up to the terraces which collapses due to being weakened by the effects of sun and wind*

*A Man called Jello curls up into a ball as he rolls down a rockface, down a hole and into the cave system*

Waaahhhhhhhh !!!!

369?thread=369200/thread/191757" >F91200?thread=191757&latest=1

Village Outskirts

Post 28


Where the? ... Zero, did you just see something?

Village Outskirts

Post 29


*Wanders over to look for the source of the noise, stops by the edge of the hole, sending a few stones skittering in, but does not *yet* fall in himself* I say, hello, is there someone down there?

Village Outskirts

Post 30

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] .....

Village Outskirts

Post 31


smiley - erm
*Looks back and forth between the hole down which AMCL went and the pile of rocks which is Lil's last known position*
smiley - erm
Tell you what. Zero, if you want to see if you can find out what happened to Lil I'll check on who just disappeared down here. Hmm?
*Grabs a lader leading up into the village and manhandles it over to the hole. Dropping it down it just reaches the top. Munchkin then gathers his gear and climbs down for a look see*

Village Outskirts

Post 32


*Returns from the hole* It was old Lucers. Appears to have had a bang on the head. Probably best left to sleep it off. Anyhoo, any further on on finding Lil? Fancy a slab of Kendal Mint Cake?

Village Outskirts

Post 33

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the next time Lil gets online so she can post something.

Village Outskirts

Post 34


Read the other threads here, too. Lil is somewhere in the labarinthine cave system under this cliff (i.e. you won't find her until she wants to be found). You're on your own out here. (And if you read one of the other threads (the village centre, I think), you'll discover that you have been surrounded by celery clones for quite some time. smiley - biggrin

AMCJ is also wandering in the cave system.

Village Outskirts

Post 35

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] Uh, she went into that hole. [dives into it]

Village Outskirts

Post 36

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] [echoing in caves] Hello? LIL?

Village Outskirts

Post 37

Sherry à la Gelée - Schoolmarm Extraordinaire

*Sherry comes into the village outskirts, hiding behind rocks and ruins and anything she can hide behind*

Village Outskirts

Post 38

Sherry à la Gelée - Schoolmarm Extraordinaire

*Hearing strange noises coming from the Church, Sherry heads toward it to investigate*

Village Outskirts

Post 39


*Gapes open mouthed at a rapidly disapearing Zero* Well, I say, not much for conversation that chap. Not sure I want to go back down that hole though. Hmm, now where should I go? Well, I suppose I can always check up on Lucers and you never know, Lil might be there. Right then, into the bowels of the Earth it is. Getting far too Doug Maclure this is.
*Clambours down the ladder and into the hole*

Village Outskirts

Post 40


*comes running up from the Ranch and waits for the others to catch up*

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