A Conversation for Dealing with Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Period Pain

my period

Post 1


I need help because I've had my period for 13 days now and I'm really worried that this is abnormal. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!1smiley - sadface

my period

Post 2

Big Red

How old are you, Misty? My mother had something similar when she started going through menopause. But it also could be endometriosis. In any case, I think you should talk to a doctor.

my period

Post 3


I take it your periods don't normally go on for that long, but they can change. But yes, do see a doctor. I've found that emotional upset and stress can cause dramatic changes in the period that follows it. They become heavier and more painful, I become more depressed and paranoid than usual. I had an emotional time few months ago and my next period forced me to take to my bed, I was vomiting, pain was so bad I couldn't sit down, and the flow was pretty unmanageable. Has anything upsetting happened to you recently? Hopefully not, but if so it might account for the longer bleeding time too.

Get some medical advice and relax as much as you can.

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