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A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 1

Lady Scott

A1080271 - H2G2 Grey Hair Society

C'mon all you grey haired types out there - join us!

smiley - laugh

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

*Thinks about starting a Slaphead Society* smiley - tongueout

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 3

Fluffy Pink Rabbit. (Remember that polyester has feelings, too)

smiley - cross

I'm going to sue for discrimination against
pink-haired rabbits.

Unless they create an H2G2 club for pink-hairs.
I will ask Congress to, um, er, do something
about this. Once I am elected, my cabinet officials
will know what to do, and they will do it for me. smiley - smiley

smiley - bunny

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 4

Lady Scott

smiley - ermI don't know how to explain this to you FPR, but it's a Grey Hair Society, not a Pink Hare Society.

Feel free to start your own Pink Hare Society, though.

Or dye yourself gray.

Or claim to be gray and coloring yourself pink.

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 5

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Or else say that you're only pink from a distance--that you used to be red, but now your fur is red-and-white, mixed evenly...

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 6

Lady Scott

Maybe the roots are grey?

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 7

Fluffy Pink Rabbit. (Remember that polyester has feelings, too)

There. Whenever I'm here, you can all put
these glasses on, and I will *look* gray.

smiley - bunny

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 8

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

well if genetics are anything to go by I'll be joining the slaphead society soon!

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 9


I'm nearly qualified to join, but I won't just yet...smiley - biggrin

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 10


(the grey hair soc, I mean, not the slaphead one)

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 11

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

*Gets out scissors, shaver, and cut-throat razor*

That could be arranged you know Parrfers smiley - winkeye

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 12


No thanks Goshers. I still sometimes miss the face fungus I sported in my student days. I don't think I could cope with being a chromedome.

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 13

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Would Fluffy Pink Bunny be allowed to join if he had a grey hare? smiley - tongueout

I have *one* gray hair due to advanced age on my head ... and two, maybe three, gray eyebrow hairs. Also, I have a teeny "skunk spot" of twenty or so white hairs on the side of my head ... but that's been there since I was eighteen -- at least that was the first time anyone noticed it. The rest of my hair, such as it is, is quite brunette.

Do I qualify? smiley - bigeyes

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 14

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I qualify, without a doubt. smiley - biggrin

FPR, put away your gray-tinted glasses. smiley - cool
I look gray without them. smiley - winkeye

Avenging Washcloth, I'm not going to ask
if you color your hair. smiley - bigeyes

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 15

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Nope. I don't. If it isn't good enough the way it is ... tough cookies. smiley - tongueout

At the moment, I have what hairdressers call "virgin hair", which means it's totally unadulterated by man-made chemicals in any way. I've had it permed, highlighted, and colored a few times in the past, but it never felt right afterwards ... it's rough as straw that way. smiley - yuk I much prefer soft silky hair that comes naturally. smiley - smiley

But alas, men are visual creatures who seldom care if something is real or not, or if it "feels" right or not. smiley - winkeye How can men stand to run their fingers through a woman's hair that has been sprayed into a cement-hard helmet? Would someone please tell me?

smiley - erm

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 16

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

But if a woman turns her hair into concrete,
she seems to be saying that she doesn't *want*
men to be running their fingers (or any other
part of their anatomy smiley - winkeye) through it. smiley - yikes

My fingers like to run through the hair of
cats and rabbits and, occasionally, dogs. smiley - smiley

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 17

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - bigeyessmiley - laugh

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 18

Lady Scott

Any of you who are interested (and eligible) to join the Grey Hair Society will need to go to the link in the first posting. I have no authority to admit or reject anyone - that's up to... smiley - erm I seem to have had a senior moment and forgotten who started it! smiley - laugh

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 19

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

FPR smiley - bunny, you can always do what uncle Harvey did, and only appear in black-and-white movies! (Or rather, not, in his case... smiley - erm)

A New H2G2 Society - And I'm Qualified to Join!

Post 20

William of Middenshire, Keeper of Mammals Beginning with "W" and Goatee Beards

"Slaphead society?"

Is it for people who like to slap heads?

Is it for people with little or noting in the tricological department?

Or could it even be for people with a luxuriant growth of hair who feel an affinity for those without?

Answers on a postcard, please.

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