This is the Message Centre for Lady Scott

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 1

Lady Scott

I always keep an extra set of keys in my smiley - handbag, just in case I somehow lose my regular set of keys, or lock them in the car.

The other day, I discovered that for some reason instead of having an extra key to the car I usually drive on that key ring, I had a key to a car we no longer own. smiley - doh I don't know how that happened...

So it was time to get an extra made for that car, and since I didn't have an extra for the new car, I asked them about that one too. It wasn't as simple as just getting an extra key made, though.

The new car has one of these anti-theft systems with the computer chip in the key, so that if you try to start the car with a key that doesn't have this computer chip programmed to that car, the car won't start. We'd been told that replacement keys were very expensive - and they are. But we'd also been told that you couldn't program the keys yourself, that they had to be done by the dealer.

So when I was getting my other key made, I asked about the computer chip keys and they assured me that it was possible to program your own computer key, and gave me the directions specifically for our year car and model of car. After checking prices on the keys elsewhere, I went back today to get keys made - one for me, and one for Lord Scott. We figured that even if it turned out that we couldn't really program them ourselves, at least we'd have extra ones to open the door, and hopefully retrieve the programmed one.

The programming proceedure required two already programmed keys to make it work, which we had...

Well, whaddaya know? We followed the directions they gave us and it worked!smiley - wow I'm now the proud owner of an extra computer chip key!smiley - biggrin

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 2

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Woohoo! smiley - biggrin That was a surprise ending - I could just picture you out in the snow trying to get one of your 14 sets of keys out of the car smiley - winkeye, while an abominable snowthingy was zooming in on you as the closest snack available smiley - yikes, and then... and then...

smiley - erm

I need to stop drinking caffein so late in the day...

smiley - whistle

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 3

Saint DIABLOS.P.O.D. -Patron Saint of Goths

late? what time is it where you are?

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 4

Lady Scott

9:44 am.

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 5

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

It's 9:10 am here now... time to drink caffeine again! smiley - winkeye

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 6

Lady Scott


A Tale of Two Keys

Post 7

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

well I have no idea about what time it is but keys are cool...esp when they work

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 8

Lady Scott

The cool part was that we got two keys for a lot less tha what one key from the dealership would have cost.

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 9


i just got a new house key, the old doorknob fell apart and had to be replaced, so when we got new keys and spares i picked a key that had american flags all over it (i'll always know which one is my house key on my key ring smiley - winkeye). i haven't ever had to replace one of the computer chip keys tho (knock on wood).

it seems we've been having quite a few similar experiences lately lady s, i don't remember if i've commented on them all, but there was the haircut and the glasses thing, now keys....

you're not planning on coloring your hair soon, are you? i'm calling for an appointment next week smiley - tongueout

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 10

Lady Scott

I know I'd probably look worlds better if I'd color my hair... but even my hairdresser agreed that if I did that I'd become her color slave. My hair grows so fast (at least 1/2 inch/month, even faster in the summertime) that I'd have to have it done every 2 weeks. Even so, I'd always have a root problem showing.

So, no... I'm not really planning on having it done.

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 11

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

just thought id say.....hello!

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 12

Lady Scott

Hiya, Jane!


Broe - I saw all kinds of house keys with nifty designs on them when I got my keys... Me thinks I'll need to go back one day and get a new house key made, but it'll be terribly difficult to decide which one to get, because there were so many smiley - cool designs.

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 13

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

smiley - biggrin

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 14

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I thought you had to go to Florida
to find extra Keys. smiley - winkeye

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 15

Lady Scott


Just your local Wizard Lock and Safe company. smiley - smiley

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 16

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

But suppose you had to open a
wizard-proof safe? smiley - tongueout

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 17

Lady Scott

smiley - cracker


A Tale of Two Keys

Post 18

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Good idea. smiley - ok

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 19

Lady Scott

Do you think we have enough?

A Tale of Two Keys

Post 20

Yael Smith

Just read this entry- sounds just like you, Lady S!smiley - laugh

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