oooohhh, duckyboos!

Hello , how are you?A pink and gold dragon on an inkpot Hi. I'm Holly (alias Jane Pyecruste), daughter of William of Middenshire. I am now 20! A teeneager now more people, weird how times goes past! i have a boyfriend called Kiel, who i met using the good ol' net...yay net! smiley - biggrinsmiley - love i am now a uni student, in my 2nd year of illustration. i love drawing and the like! i still dunno what i wanna do once i leave yet though. I am into comedies, like Red Dwarf, Blackadder, etc. Also into magic, smiley - magic ghosts, smiley - ghost and the unexplained. smiley - aliensmile I am also member 20 of the Thundercats! smiley - biggrin i also love these comics called Lenore by Roman dirge, and also comics by jhonen vasquez! i love music! QOTSA, and Metallica, Rammstein, disturbed, the mighty dragonforce etc. jusr saw disturbed and they were great! find out who else is here as well! if you wanna see any of my friends and family, see my friends on this lovely personal space of mine! oh yes, and read parts of my dads book on the convo called middenshire, on my personal space, or on his, and comment on it, its for those of you with a sence of humor, which im sure you all do! smiley - hsifsmiley - schooloffish i have also just joined the mining ship Red Dwarf! smiley - towelTomb of Andrew Ducrow In memory of the most wonderful dog in the world, Snowy, who we miss dearly. Coming home after college just isn't the same without you meeting me. August 1994 - November 2003


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*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

Researcher U205529


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