A Conversation for The Willow Foundation

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 1


Entry: The Willow Foundation - A27578262
Author: Serephina ..check out the H2g2 Pagan community centre A17187456 - U191719

Any suggestions /comments?

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 2



A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 3


Well done
It is a nice entry perhaps a little more about The Willow Foundation, fill it out a little more.smiley - smiley

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 4


The thing is, as theres not that much info to be found on it, i didnt want to end up looking like id just reworded their website,,i'm not sure how much more i can add without doing that just.

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 5


A few numbers would help
How many helped
The sort of help given (a bit more detail)
It is a good entry as it is by the way
smiley - smiley

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 6



I'll have a nosey. I only heard of them because they did a 'special day' for a friend of mine recently.

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 7


Put that in then smiley - smiley

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 8


Perhaps you could do a google search or something, try and find some stories?

It sounds a lot like the Make-A-Wish foundation in the USA, maybe you could look that up?

It's good so far.

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 9

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Do they know you're doing a guide entry about them? Most charities would be flattered by the attention. Give them a call and ask them to look at what you've written. They may have some suggestions about what you could add.

As Bob said, your friends special day would make a good example of what they do, but maybe they have some others which would illustrate the variety of things they can make happen (without naming names or invading privacy of course). How do they see their role compared with Make A Wish? Do they feel overshadowed? Complimentary? How do people volunteer? Who do businesses contact if they wish to get involved? What do the foundation feel is their greatest success? Their biggest problem? Just some of the questions you could ask them.

Oh, and on the entry as it is, you have a rogue 's' on the end of 'meg' in the paragraph below the quote.smiley - ok

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 10


Our friends special day was also documented on the Willow Foundations Website...

E knows all about the charity, it would probably be worth asking her is she has some more information and possibly collaborating on the entry with you as she is a registered H2G2 bod.

smiley - smiley

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 11


Bob and Megs actually told E, when she met them at a recent fundraising day that one of the reasons they started the charity was because of the lack of charities offering these kinds of experiences for seriously ill 'young adults'..

I believe the 'make a wish' foundation is more for children/teenagers. Feel free to shoot me if I'm wrong. smiley - winkeye

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 12


A little more about what they do and how they do it - maybe even a heartwarming story?

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 13


Also, how do they raise money?

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 14

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

The quote looks a little funny. You don't need the " and - Bob Wilson should be put in between

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