A Conversation for The Willow Foundation

Flea Market: A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 1


Entry: The Willow Foundation - A27578262
Author: Serephina..wedding all booked yay - U191719

This has been moved here from Peer Review - does anyone want to take this up to get it back into the Edited Guide? smiley - smiley

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 2

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - book

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 3


smiley - ok

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I think Serephina's Entries have potential to be in the EG

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 5


Yes, agreed. They very much have the potential to be EG Entries. In fact, if the Willow Foundation Entry above is anything to go by, they're nearly there. A bit more description and a few more facts would certainly do it. smiley - ok

A27578262 - The Willow Foundation

Post 6


New Entry here: A41491820

Once picked, I'll have my name removed.

Matt smiley - elf

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