A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Doctor Who

Post 4641

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Well, *somebody's* in a mood today, aren't they? smiley - handbag

Doctor Who

Post 4642


I thought that was pretty poor, too. I'm actually getting a bit fed up with the "the end is nigh" vibe and the self pity.

I've enjoyed every other episode up to now, though, so I suppose I can forgive them a bad one.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Doctor Who

Post 4643

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'm just not keen on Corden. It's not that he's bad, he's just bland.

Doctor Who

Post 4644

Bright Blue Shorts

Liked the reappearance of cybermats ... quite liked the idea of them being piranha like ... didn't like seeing Corden and then The Doctor wrestling with it ...

Scenes like that suggest the show is stuck between two camps - the children who like to be scared and the sophisticated adults who like complex plots and deeper scripts ... neither of which is particularly suited to 7pm primetime.

Doctor Who

Post 4645

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

It's not even complex plots I'm after... just consistent ones that concentrate on the interesting/exciting/scary stuff instead of going "Doctor and Whatsisface could be a couple! Lulz!"

Doctor Who

Post 4646

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

I did think that Corden would be an ideal replacement for Elizabeth Sladen if they wanted to continue the SJA in a different guide though.

Doctor Who

Post 4647


Personally, I didn't think this one even reached as high as 'meh'. The 'love conquers even the scientifically impossible' is cringe-inducing and old. The Two Men And A Baby bits were just old.

Cameos by Amy and Rory were a nice touch (and yes, I think she became a model and got a deal advertising perfume). Cybermen were still OK (they were run-down cybermen, after all).

A little surprised not to have a two-parter finale; seems like a lot of ground to cover next Saturday...

Gif smiley - geek

Doctor Who

Post 4648


The last epsiode wasn't solved by 'love' the Dr explained as much...it was the evolutionary drive in all animals to save off-spring to ensure one's genes are passed on and keep the species going.

It is what animals do and they have no concept of love merely a connection between each other and a drive to survive even if it means their death.

The Dr explainde this evolutionary trait in the show but seeing the balnk looks of Craig and Nurse Gladys who just 'didn't understand' resigned himself to saying 'yeah, it was love.'

I thought that was pretty obvious at the end...I really do not understand why people still think it was 'love' when they actually used the real-life evolutionary drive of animals/humans to save the day.

Doctor Who

Post 4649

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I just think the execution was a bit clumsy... the camera *just happening* to switch on at that moment. It would have worked much better if the Cybermen had brought Nurse Gladys and the baby down to the room.

Doctor Who

Post 4650


What if the cybermen threatened to convert the baby? Wouldn't that be dark and more scary? (My son calls cybermen 'naughty robots') And are these parallel universe Cybermen or not?

But I loved seeing cybermats again - much better than the monkey cybershades.


Doctor Who

Post 4651

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Given that they were buried in a possibly crashed ship I assumed they were supposed to be the Cybermen from Earthshock.

Doctor Who

Post 4652


You're not going to say that Adric survived too, are you?smiley - yikes


Doctor Who

Post 4653

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Well, no, 'cause nobody survived. The ship reactivated and started building Cybermen out of bits.

Doctor Who

Post 4654


Thought that episode was OK. A bit childish with the resolution but quite fun ally he same. Still don't get why they're using new Cybermen costumes without explaining how the Cybermen look like that. Is this annoying anyone else too?

Also I'm surprised that there isn't more discussion of next week on here already, what with the trailer and the prequel. Has everyone been put off by the last episode?

My review's here as usual too http://wp.me/pLq5j-bv

Doctor Who

Post 4655

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

I re-watched it today. Missed the Pat Troughton reference the first time around (you've redecorated, I don't like it).

I also think there was a big clue about how next weeks show will resolve the plot, when Kovarian was talking to river (Oh look, they've made you a Doctor now).

Still wasn't impressed with the rest of it though, and can't help wonder if they originally intended it to be a Sarah Jane Adventures episode before giving it a rewrite. smiley - tardis

Doctor Who

Post 4656


I've got a slight problem with timelines in this series...

Episode 1 - we see a 900 year old doctor get killed, straight after this, a 700 year old doctor turns up and the series gets underway.

So, the series progresses with a 700 year old doctor, and nowhere do we get even a hint that the doctor's been off on a 200 year sabbatical between episodes.

So, when, in the last episode, we're led to believe that the doctor is one day away from the events that took place in episode 1 (in his own personal time-line) then somewhere within the series the producers have been cleverly hiding a 200 year 'gap year'....

Anyone any ideas what the doctor's been doing for 200 years?

Doctor Who

Post 4657

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I thought it was a 1,000 year old Doctor who was killed and a 900 year old Doctor who we've been watching...

100 years is still substantial, but it's not unreasonable when you consider how things work in Who... we *know* that in the time it took the 4th Doctor to on-screen disappear into the TARDIS and change into his familar garb he went off and had at least one adventure (cf. The Face of Evil) and there's a hell of a lot of presumed gaps between televised serials being filled in by the Big Finish dramas.

Doctor Who

Post 4658

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Also, we can assume that between Amy and Rory leaving and the start of the last episode the Doctor has been alone for quite a while (that doesn't mean he hasn't had other companions, of course)... I can't imagine that he'd go visit Whatsisface on a whim if he wasn't really lonely.

Doctor Who

Post 4659

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Of course I suppose one of the things about the Doc living in a time machine is that we have no idea how long passed between him leaving Rory and Amy, and turning up at Criag's gaffe.

He did have a telling line when he said about how "he can't put it off any longer" which owuld kind of suggest he had been off wasting time....


Doctor Who

Post 4660

Taff at home

the cyber men crossed to this universe, they fought the daleks at the battle of canary warf, and were dispersed, most bing suked back into the void, they left behind some, semi cybermen, who had the same goals and drive of thier creators, we saw one in torchwood, there may have been many more, we later saw the cybermen in the far future, with a vast fleet, we have seen the cybermen with time travel, the pandoricon episode, now wh have seen a wrecked cyberman ship that has been dormant for centuries burried under the earth,

it doesn't even take a story board to link it all together, just some imagination,

temporal technology cyber ship crashes in the past, hibernates and reactivates when power comes available! kill, kill kill!!!!

looks like the basic premis of nearly every sci-fi-horror ever made, the thing

come on people stop over analysing it and picking holes in the fantasy!!!

if you have a real WTF!! moment ask, by all means

can we have a Dr. Who thread for pedants, that they can be moaners together an let the rest of us enjoy it!!!


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