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How very utterly RUDE!

Post 41

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

smiley - laugh

We've been asspudilated!

How very utterly RUDE!

Post 42


smiley - laugh
That reminds me, there is a Mr. Potato Head somewhere in this house. Only, I can't remember where...smiley - erm
smiley - smiley

How very utterly RUDE!

Post 43

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Pardon the pun, have to "dig" it up" smiley - winkeye

How very utterly RUDE!

Post 44


Egads! I've been proxy errored!

It's a really cute Toy Story version of Mr. Potato Head. Now, if I could just remember where I put it.

Not so sure I should admit to what I found the last time I dug through the closets here.
smiley - smiley

How very utterly RUDE!

Post 45

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm gooing to guess it was some kind of root vegetable, at which you remarked "How very utterly root!" smiley - winkeye

How very utterly RUDE!

Post 46


Good guess.smiley - ok
But, even odder than that.
smiley - smiley

How very utterly RUDE!

Post 47

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I yam waiting to hear what it was. smiley - huh

Hope I won't have to beet it out of you.

Wait, I'll turnip the volume on my hearing aid.

smiley - whistle

How very utterly RUDE!

Post 48


I wouldn't want you to stew too long... smiley - winkeye

In one closet: A large hat box from a no longer in existence department store, containing a brown furry (I really hope it was furry when it went into the box) pill box style hat in the Jackie Kennedy style. I assume that was my sister's hat, as she had worked for that department store.

In another closet: Dad's army cot, ammo belt, and field glasses from WWII. The ammo belt is stamped Cade Shoe co. That's the same company that made the boots for the Confederate Army. Dad must have been incredibly thin at 23.

The other day, I found a box of old concert souvenirs and pictures. I had totally forgotten about that RATT concert.
smiley - smiley

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