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Post 3361


Have a lovely Christmas everyone..smiley - smiley

And may 2003 bring you peace of mind.

smiley - hug
smiley - rose
smiley - cdoublesmiley - cdouble

smiley - cheers
smiley - ok

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Post 3362

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

And if not that than at least may it bring you a piece of toffee! smiley - ok

smiley - hug for everyones! YAY!!!

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Post 3363

Also ran 1

Belated Christmas wishes to the best smiley - fullmoon oof direct lupine descent and his many fans.

I hope that you had lots of McLurchers and that it did not leave you with a tremendous hangover. I had lots of smiley - bubbly and cognac on the Christmas pud. which flambeed in the most dramatic fashion.

May 2003 bring you all health, happiness and loads of wonderful work and leisure.

With affection from the old girl.

AR1 smiley - schooloffish

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Post 3364

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Peace of mind, Lurcher?

I'd settle for finding a *piece* of my
mind. I think some bits of it have
broken off during the pre-holiday season,
and the little buggers are hiding .

Come out, come out wherever you are. smiley - bigeyes

Please? smiley - grovel

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Post 3365

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Happy late chrimbo and future new year to you allsmiley - cheers

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Post 3366

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

YAY!!! smiley - biggrin

smiley - discosmiley - rainbowsmiley - disco

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Post 3367


Woohoo! Party!!!

So glad you popped by AR1! smiley - hug I hope your holiday was a lovely one..

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Post 3368

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - eureka Now, only 2002 left to find.
smiley - ok

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Post 3369

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* giggles *

Happy Day after Boxing Day!

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Post 3370

Fluffy Pink Rabbit. (Remember that polyester has feelings, too)

smiley - run

Happy Easter!

smiley - bunny

smiley - run

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Post 3371

The Easter Bunny

* wakes up with a start *

Oh no!

Am I late?

smiley - run

smiley - run

smiley - run

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Post 3372

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

For most of the world, easter hasn't come yet.
Except on easter Island. smiley - winkeye

I think FPR just gets carried away at times. smiley - smiley

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Post 3373

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - yikes Is it Easter already? And I thought 2002 flew by fast!

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Post 3374


smiley - yawn I must have napped longer than I thought...

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Post 3375

Lighthousegirl - back on board

This time concept is just too confusing for me smiley - erm

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Post 3376


smiley - online2long welcome to my world...

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Post 3377

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Thank you - is it a world without time?

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Post 3378


Time is a purely relative quantity.

Or so it is said.

Relative to gravity, I would say.

Which might explain why the passing of time, in conjuction with gravity, results in various parts of one`s anatomy getting closer to the ground.

Sad, innit?

smiley - whistle

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Post 3379

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Are we talking about the magazine?
Sorry, I don't read it. smiley - tongueout

Relatives are a different story. Some
can be read, while others are unreadable.

Gravity? Wasn't there a cat named McGravity
in that musical based on T.S. Eliot? smiley - erm

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Post 3380

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Time is bad but please dont get me started on relatives!

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