A Conversation for Pratchetts Anonymous

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 1

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Hey all! I've just had the crazy idea: How about a group dedicated to discussing politics of Ankh Morpork (which play a big role in the Diskworld Series)! Any comment?

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 2

Researcher 185550

Hmmmmmmm. Not sure. They do play a huge part in the Discworld series, I won't deny it, however my proposal is this: if you wanna write a page about the politics of Ankh- Morpork, feel free. I will link to it from the PA page, so anyone coming here may go to PA and then on to the political society. Plus, in the strictest sense of the word, it's not /really/ a temple.

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 3

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Just a thought, what religion did Dorfl choose after Feet Of Clay?

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 4

Researcher 185550

Atheism. But he said that he would believe in any god whose existence could be proved by logical argument.

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 5

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Or, knowing Ankh Morpork, which ever one hasn't ran away from Ridcully! (now /that's/ a brave priest! smiley - laugh)

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 6

Researcher 185550

Hmmmmmmm true. Or Cohen. If you do start up this politics page, What you could do is put a link at the top saying "Officially recognised by Pratchett's Anonymous". And I'll link to it from the ASG page, something like "founded by The Wargamer, check out the Ankh- Morpork Political Society!"

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 7

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Don't worry, I will. smiley - winkeye

Ankh Morpork Political Society?

Post 8

Researcher 185550

smiley - cool Sexy. When ya do, let me know.

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