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29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 81

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

>>then again bbc news and cnn thinks it is correct to call my country Holland.<<

Pheloxi didn't call his county Holland.. He was making a point that in those links, the bbc and cnn have.

lil xx
smiley - magic

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 82


But I always smiley - blush when I say Netherlands.....It sounds so much like the 'nether regions' smiley - erm

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 83

C Hawke

topic drift - the point I was raising was the BBC news site seems to be paying scant regard to the conditions we are asked to observe by stating the suspects arrested ARE those in the photos.


29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 84

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

the Netherlands is like Holland come from word the lowlands...

CHawk, some times you to need use the tools you have. the arrests will not only be based on cctv footage. there were quiet few arrest of people looked like pictures, but released as soon as they were properly investaged.

another thing could have made drawings of men they were looking I think that would have been worse.

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 85

The H2G2 Editors

Just to clarify, there is, as we understand it, no legal problem with saying that the men shown in CCTV footage are the same men arrested by the police. However, if we were to say that they actually were the bombers, we may be in contempt of court because that particular fact has not been proven. You'll note that at no point does the BBC News report say 'these are the bombers', merely that these men are suspected of being the bombers (implicit in that claim is that they might not actually be the bombers, merely that these are the men the police currently have as their prime suspects).

We do not want to be responsible for causing a mistrial. therefore, we ask the h2g2 Community to assist us in enforcing this legal requirement.

We've requested additional clarification on the matter of contempt of court from the BBC legal team, which we'll be adding to the House Rules for your guidance.

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 86

C Hawke

Mmm, I still feel if I was a defence Lawyer, that one angle I would take was to cast doubt that the CCTV images were my client and that the fact that the media have said that a grainy image iS my client I would use as grounds for unfair trial.

But then I am not a lawyer or have any legal training - I just feel that it is wrong to say image A equal person B


29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 87

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I have to remark that it was a pity that several newspapers on the day AFTER the arrests didn't have as much restraint as the BBC.smiley - sadface

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 88

Researcher U1025853

What the hell was post 24 about?

I know a Colin Murray who was killed in the bombings in London.

Maybe I am just being over-sensitive, but as no-one on that convo so far had that name, it just jumped out at me as a horrible thing to read.

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 89


With referece to post 86. Surely DNA evidence will also be used for identification purposes? They science of finding and using even the tinest traces is now well advanced from what I've heard.

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 90


Colin Murray is a Radio 1 DJ, I'm sure that's who was being referred to.

smiley - panda

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 91

Researcher U1025853

Thanks for telling me that Cyzaki, I don't listen to the radio much and I wouldn't have known that. Guess I am just being paranoid then.

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 92

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

yep, sorry

he is a very annoying radio 1 DJ who also did an appaling and incorrect 'guide to the hitch hickers guide'

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 93

Researcher U1025853

Ah, all is revealed, no wonder you don't like him! Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me Jon M.

Paranoia is a terrible thing, you jump to all sorts of stupid conclusions!

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 94

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

This is going to go down as slight topic drift....

On the way into work this morning I ended up listening by some strange quirk of fate to BBC 3 Counties Radio. The topic of conversation was Saddam Hussein - no less - and his impending trial. I'm sorry I didn't catch the names of the 2 gentlemen involved in the conversation, one was the interviewer for the BBC and the other was Arabic and heavily involved in the legal process.

The interviewer was asking all the questions along the lines of "Do you think the world will see this as a fair trial" and "Will Saddam have all the proper legal representation"? The Arabic guy ended up ansewring those and subsequent questions as if he's already been found guilty and was debating whether the Iraqi government would step in or not if the death sentance was passed, WHEN he was found guilty - not IF!

He also said that Saddam was living in better conditions in jail than all the prisoners he'd had put in, but ought to be living in worse conditions. Why not equal?

Bassman smiley - coolsmiley - biker

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