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27 April, 2005: Advance Announcement of Election Discussion Board Closure on Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

A reminder to the users of all h2g2 Election Discussion Boards.

In exactly the same way that political parties cease their campaigning for General Elections the night before polling, so this Discussion Board will be locked at 10pm on the evening of Wednesday 4 May.

This policy will remain in place throughout Election Day itself, Thursday 5 May 2005, until the polls close.

During this time, we ask all of our users not to start any conversations on other parts of the h2g2 site that could be perceived to be related to the Elections. Any such postings may be removed.

All other BBC Election Discussion Boards will also be closed throughout election day.

Many thanks,

The h2g2 Editors

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 2

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Do you know, this is the only day I actually *enjoy* listening to the Today program?

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 3

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I've just posted my ballot paper so it is all over for me - does that mean I can chat about politics from tomorrow? smiley - silly

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 4

McKay The Disorganised

Lets hope it gets there safely.

smiley - cider

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 5


Will you be unlocking it at 10pm on the 5th then?

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 6


OK, that's fair enough. But, just to be quite clear on this: I take it that once 10pm on May 5 has passed, we can celebrate smiley - bubbly or mourn smiley - wah the results as much as we like wherever on h2g2 we like, subject to the usual House Rules? I for one will definitely be up into the small house watching the scores come in, and it'd be nice to be able to react here. smiley - fullmoon

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 7


That's the board not Kelli's vote, obviously smiley - flustered

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 8


Yes, as soon as the polls have closed, all special rules relating to the Elections cease to be in effect.

Our Election Discussion Board will reopen at 10pm on the 5th. smiley - ok


Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 9

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Does that mean that some poor Italic has to sit around in the Towers waiting for the pools to close, just to unlock the Forum?

That seems a bit mean. I hope someone lets you out to vote at some point, though...

says David, hoping the second sentence didn't count as political comment

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 10


Hopefully it should all be done automatically - so don't worry, we should (if we so wish!) be able to pop to our polling station at some point during the day!


Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 11

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

can I just point out that today, I also posted fatkelli's ballot, as did at least 4 other people in this office alone.

Electoral fraud, its not big and its not clever !!

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 12

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

*starts to open and close the door*







smiley - biggrin

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 13

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

Too late!!

The horse has boltedsmiley - biggrin

Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 14

Mol - on the new tablet

So by the time I stagger back from my polling station at 11.30pm things will be back to normal. Good. Almost makes up for missing the count smiley - cross

smiley - geek People really haven't got the hang of how postal ballot fraud works, have they?! You don't do it with multiple votes in one elector's name, you have to do it by one person taking on multiple electors' names. Honestly. smiley - geek


Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 15

Mol - on the new tablet

smiley - sigh Obviously there should be a rolls eyes after the word "honestly". Otherwise it looks like you can commit fraud honestly, which would be silly.

Long day.


Election Discussion Board Closure - Polling Day, 5 May 2005

Post 16

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

Most people start off as honest
It's power that corrupts.

So the most powerfull man in Britain is....smiley - laugh

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