A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
Researcher 184557 Posted Sep 13, 2001
Its about time that your arrogance was shaken. In believing that evrything you have been forcd fed through TV all your lives is right and that the whole world is wrong, you sit as self elected rulers of thinking. You have, as an Americam citizen, been shielded from what others thinks and been told that the Freedom you have is the ultimate freedom when all you have been given is distractions and the All American sales pitch - your idea of freedom is as much freedom as Sunny delight is real orange juice.
Britain affords its citizens the priviledge to think independently and objectively, even to its own detriment and for that reason will always have my respect as a Muslim, as Islam is about looking at the world with your own eyes (not somebody elses) and seeking knowledge - that is why Alcohol is banned as it clouds judgement. The UK is a non-islamic country but as long as we dont slide down the pocket of the US, it is a country that I hope lasts for ever.
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
Researcher 184779 Posted Sep 13, 2001
Ok this is in reply for the first post...
If we adopted your somewhat blinkered attitude we would still be fighting the crusades!!! What happened in the US was a terrible tragedy, but to say that they deserved this because of past transgressions as you imply is absolute madness. This is the attitude that justifed the holocaust, the ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia and various other acts of terror. These terrorists and those in their support networks need to be captured and dealt with in due process.
Wake up smell the coffee. Bad things happen in the world but two wrongs don't make a right and revenge is the lowest form of human emotion.
Hello from the US
Loki7373 Posted Sep 13, 2001
We do not seek "Justice" here in the US, Justice is for criminals. We seek retribution and punishment. These terrorists believe themselves to be soldiers, so we should treat them as such and bring the full force of the US Military upon them. If a country has knowingly helped or hidden these men then they should be treated as The supporting country of this terrorist army and should be treated like a country that is using their own Army to attack the US. Trust me when I say we are not looking for Courtroom Justice, we are looking for a massive and deadly response against these cowards. Not just cruise missiles and smart bombs, but a full military response. Innocents die in every war and I imagine that they will die in this one, but it is a war not just a simple act of crime. They declared war on us, fine, Prepare to reap what you sow.
Hello from the US
Researcher 184733 Posted Sep 13, 2001
I think only now the American politician understood what is the value of life...Just consider the state of mind of the ppeople who suffered in Vietnam and Hiroshima alone. It is uunbelievalbel attrocities of human being ons human beings....instead of tears blood will come as tears if u see it in photoes...So the american should blame their owm elected leaders for this henious act of violence....As gandhi said
" an eye for an eye then the whole world will be blind..." .i hope the american politician does understand this..
Hello from the US
Researcher 184557 Posted Sep 13, 2001
In that case, I hope you live long enough to watch any member of your family are burned to death infront of your eyes (Vietnam), or hacked to death in front of you (Rwanda) and raped in front of you (Bosnia/Palestine/Lebanon....)
Retribution by a society which has no other intention but to kill those it feels have wronged it (by ignoring its own sense of reason and justice) is blinkered pre meditated murder. If this is what you stand and exist for, then it hard to see why you put up such a fight gainst Hitler - surely he stood for everything that you are talking about at the moment?
whom to blame ?
Researcher 184715 Posted Sep 13, 2001
You can not help anybody with war my friend! All these years your country make war in Middle East(oil), in Africa(oil), in Kosovo(drugs)but never did something in Cyprus (where 2000 people 25 years now are missing) because there is not a benefit for your country. You must be full if you believe that your country tries to help the world without a benefit!!!!!
whom to blame ?
Researcher 184715 Posted Sep 13, 2001
You can not help anybody with war my friend! All these years your country make war in Middle East(oil), in Africa(oil), in Kosovo(drugs)but never did something in Cyprus (where 2000 people 25 years now are missing) because there is not a benefit for your country. You must be full if you believe that your country tries to help the world without a benefit!!!!! Don't forget that the hell arrived in your country two days ago!!!!
Hello from the US
Researcher 184153 Posted Sep 13, 2001
Dear Researcher 184557, while I agree with some of what you said, and I can even understand some of the things you said that I disagree with, I can clearly see your perspective. I agree, so often American culture is driven by pure materialism. But the truth be told, almost all wealthy people from any country are driven by financial superficiality. That’s not just an American thing. And drinking clouds a persons thought process, I completely agree, but I would also say organized religion clouds a persons thinking process often too. I’m not saying any specific religion, I think they all basically do the same thing for people, in that they do the thinking for people – they tell people how they should lead their lives. I see that as being the brainwashing of the masses, so I’d argue that you still don’t see the world clearly, nor does anyone else - everything is relative.
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
Researcher 184779 Posted Sep 13, 2001
Ok this is in reply for the first post...
If we adopted your somewhat blinkered attitude we would still be fighting the crusades!!! What happened in the US was a terrible tragedy, but to say that they deserved this because of past transgressions as you imply is absolute madness. This is the attitude that justifed the holocaust, the ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia and various other acts of terror. These terrorists and those in their support networks need to be captured and dealt with in due process.
Wake up smell the coffee. Bad things happen in the world but two wrongs don't make a right and revenge is the lowest form of human emotion.
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
krysostorus Posted Sep 13, 2001
yes, i fear as well that shock and sadness is turning into agressive nationalism. every human being should be considered equal, and a crime cannot be undone by another crime!
of course the guilty must be found, but military actions which would lead to the killing of innocent people must be prevented. i suggest you write to your governments and to the president of the United States ([email protected]) and ask them to refrain from actions unworthy of a civilised community.
the thing that counts is human life!
keep your brains open!
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
Life Ain't Enough Posted Sep 13, 2001
Well mate... Let me tell you one think. If you think ISRAEL is USA's ally, you are WRONG! ISRAEL is with US because it's a matter of which side of the bread is buttered. Had US not been a super power, you would have seen for yourself.
Let me tell you one more thing... Some people have even suggested that this could be the result of another of ISRAEL's strategy to divert the attention from it (caused by the RACISM conference & on-going voilence in Paletine). Yeah! that's right...
Every one is blaming Muslims or Bin Laden but it could very well be ISRAEL. Tell me one thing... Do you think anyone who masterminded the plot and wanted to disguise it's identity as the terrorist would be stupid enough to "LEFT A FLIGHT MANUAL IN ARABIC" in the car and leave the car infront of the airport? WOW! that's a real bull***t story. Or may be you think that "Yes, the terrorists were smart enough to do that but idiot enough to do this..."
Hello from the US
Researcher 184557 Posted Sep 13, 2001
Ecerything is relative, and the most difficult thing a Human can do is see the world form an Objective, rather than Subjective view. It pays to be humble sometimes and accept that others see things that you do not - nobody has perfect knowledge - But it must be apparent to you that many of your views and stance on this currents crisis have been purely subjective. The anti- American feeling in light of a massacre must show you the depth of feeling, the view of the surpressed - and by surpressed I mean in terms of Air time, propoganda, the philosophically surpressed.
Your country was at a turning point in the 60's which was swiftly dealt with by the authorities who were (rightly so) scared by people wishing to create their own opinion rather than believe what they were spoon feeding them - how many of those "hippy" free thinker are now CEO's of their own little piece of corporate america?
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
Researcher 184153 Posted Sep 13, 2001
The terrorist did not care about human life, so I do not believe we should care about theirs. I believe there is a thin line between justice and vengeance. I also disagree with Gandhi’s saying of – an eye for an eye leaves the world blind. Unfortunately we as a species are violent little creatures that are unable to get a long. I would even argue that the natural human state is conflict, which is unfortunate. I believe a lot of people do not want the US to retaliate because that is natural for someone who attacks someone else wrongfully, they do not want a taste of their own medicine. And it is true that the US does not have a clean slate, but then again neither does anyone else. What happened was truly the act of cowards, and those who still support those actions (and I know a lot of you are on this board), are cowards too.
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
aliashell Posted Sep 13, 2001
this article that appeared in to today's Glasgow Herald if you are looking for a little different perspective.
Hello from the US
Researcher 184527 Posted Sep 13, 2001
you people all make me sick. Of course we, and I personally, have grieved over the atrocities committed around the world and close to home alike. I am fully aware of horrible things that have happened when America has acted, when America has not acted, and when we were not involved at all. It boggles my mind that so many people think that we are the root of evil in the world and are responsible for all the world's sorrows. Our countries collective attitude in recent years has been increasingly to stay out of the various hot spots around the world. Our people have grown increasingly sick of "police actions" involving our soldiers, where we have gone in simply to try to prevent others from killing each other. After Tuesday's tragedy, the world has grown even smaller, and we will no longer be able to feel that we shouldn't "stick our noses in" because what is going on around the world does affect us directly. But after reading how evil we are, I think maybe we should stay at home and focus only on protecting our own shores. Let whatever hate groups there are kill at will as long as they leave us alone. Intervene only when our own national interests are at stake. I don't think anyone here would maintain that our country and all her policies and actions have been perfect. Who can say that anywhere? But I truly believe that in most instances, we have tried to "interfere" when freedoms have been threatened. But because others don't agree, we are supposed to say thank you for awakening us to our evil ways. We DESERVE THIS???!!!!When will it become our fault that English and Irish hate each other? That Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland routinely kill children and neighbors. Your "Troubles" have troubled us greatly here. But no more. I am not wanted, and I dare say my sympathies are not wanted. Go kill each other and be done with it. I am done with you.
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
Researcher 184153 Posted Sep 13, 2001
I do not think that Israel did this,that is really highly unlikely. I can see where a lot of other people are coming from even if I disagree with the views, but that argument is weak at best. Also this article - [URL removed by moderator] tells a very one sided story too. I think jealousy honestly drives a lot of the enemies of the US, I would not say that that is the only driving force, the US has done a lot of things wrong too, but these actions are on a different level a different scale so to speak.
Hello from the US
Researcher 184733 Posted Sep 13, 2001
Researcher 184557 oour comment I hope you live long enough to watch any member of your family are burned to death infront of your eyes (Vietnam), or hacked to death in front of you (Rwanda) and raped in front of you (Bosnia/Palestine/Lebanon....)
Well my dear friend I will not create an entity who will do such attrocity....taliban has been created by USA...now they are bearing the brunt for creating it ...one cannot get things done using brute force....it is like telling if you are having a pain in the finger just cut it off...human mind cannot be controlled by brute force...go to the core issue without the greed for money and making billions then only it can be achieved....A classic example India got independence through non violence...violence will spew violence. India is suffering from terrorism supported by pakistan - ally of US...Imagine our suffering...You killed hitler, and thought world was OK now it is Osama...now kill him and wait for the next....
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
aliashell Posted Sep 13, 2001
By posting this article I wasn't saying that de-facto I agree with it.
All I would like see is a rational reaction from the United States.
I understand the country's need to find a culprit as soon as possible and the need to crush that culprit in a measure of vengeance, and restoration of the dented national pride.
In my humble opinion it would be good if the USA, and the other western nations that are now involved, while investigating this truly odious atrocity, took the time to look at the real causes of this kind of action, and use the lessons that are to be learned to restructure the way we think and act towards the world's less advantaged nations in attempt to promote a better world-wide understanding, and thus lessening the threat of anything like this ever happening again.
But then again, I am just a bleeding heart liberal. Right?
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
N'Spite Posted Sep 13, 2001
It is inconcievable the way people think. In this thread alone I have seen America been accused of being the most vicious country in the world. They scream at us why we did this or why we didnt do that.
I want to know why their own countries did not do it. Our country has done nothing to you but you hold a hatred towards us that is unfounded. You critisize us for helping others, some may be in our interssts but you are a bigger idiot to think noone does anything in thier own interest.
We do not hurt other people. Please give me an example where we indescriminately hurt another people just for our own interest.
I see outright jelousy. They try to find things to make us evil. Is it because we are the only superpower?. I do not know because I have never been in that position.
The only thing poeple ever come back at me on the jelousy part is something idiotic like how we execute criminals or own handguns, or have bad schools and social services.
Let ne tell all of you all over the world. We as people choose to have that. Our government does not make us do what they think would be correct. Our people rule our government and therefore we create our society. We make mistakes sure but there is no nation doing better than us. I mean all around. Do not give me a stupid UN statistic on how canada is a nicer place to live bullcrap either.
No other nation has effected the world in the name of freedom like the united states. ANd anyone who says that is bad is not a free citizen. And any free citisen who says that does not appreciate what they have.
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
Researcher 184733 Posted Sep 13, 2001
Well just see the simple equation..
1) Everyone knows pakistan is an ally of USA. (a= b)
2) Everyone knows Taliban regime is recognized by Pakistan. (b=c)
then simple logistice imply a= c...
why does US support pakistan even though it know that Pakistan is upporting Taliban..
Just to sell arms to Pakistan and make more money.This is quite clear as USA will never support India...if there is peace american arms sale will be zeroed...So creates problems to sell more arms...
Key: Complain about this post
Tragic? YES! Lessons Learned? NO!
- 21: Researcher 184557 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 22: Researcher 184779 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 23: Loki7373 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 24: Researcher 184733 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 25: Researcher 184557 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 26: Researcher 184715 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 27: Researcher 184715 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 28: Researcher 184153 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 29: Researcher 184779 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 30: krysostorus (Sep 13, 2001)
- 31: Life Ain't Enough (Sep 13, 2001)
- 32: Researcher 184557 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 33: Researcher 184153 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 34: aliashell (Sep 13, 2001)
- 35: Researcher 184527 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 36: Researcher 184153 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 37: Researcher 184733 (Sep 13, 2001)
- 38: aliashell (Sep 13, 2001)
- 39: N'Spite (Sep 13, 2001)
- 40: Researcher 184733 (Sep 13, 2001)
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