A Conversation for The Hot Spot!

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 461

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - yikes...*awakens from her dreams at the sound of the thunder clap...jumps up...runs around in circles trying to find what exploded...*

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 462


*gets trampled on by falling and stampeding people*

*removes a small smiley - elf from underneath himself*

Hey now, what's this?? smiley - huh

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 463


Why is everyone running! calm yourselves! We are here for peace! Just chill out, guys!

Pandora, you okay, sweetie?

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 464

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - weirdyep...smiley - moon...just sorta' seems scarey here...sorta'...

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 465


Its quite all right. I can provide protection enough for all of us.

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 466

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermI don't mean to challange your manhood or nothin'...but whatcha' gonna' protect us with?! An umbrella or sumthin'?

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 467


*Ponders over the idea of someone challenging his manhood.*

Hmm? Oh, no, no. There are plenty of loose branches. And when in doubt, smiley - cupid does carry around a bit of light arms... smiley - evilgrin

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 468

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesOh. smiley - yikessmiley - headhurts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 469


Hids behind Mystrunner, figuring he can't shoot backwards...

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 470

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*yells back to VIP...*THAT'S WHAT THE GUY smiley - yawnSAID 'BOUT WILLIAM TELLsmiley - yawnJUSSS BEFORE AN ARROW
PIERCEDsmiley - yawnHIS HEART!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run
~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - puff hey smiley - puff ...*holds her side...*
smiley - puffwhat am "I" running from?!? M-man would never shoot ME with that stupid cupid smilie smiley - puff I think I could use a place to sit smiley - puff
...*the roots of a tree forme a loverly seat for Pandora to rest the 'stich' in her side...* Ooooo smiley - bigeyes Everything's so pretty.

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 471


smiley - headhurts Uh oh...

*hides behind a tree, out of sight*

Pandora? Are you alright? Have you found a friend?

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 472


Oh, great. The whole "Bad Mushrooms" deal.

*Fiddles around with some vials of antidote.*

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 473

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - magicI think it was the patch of poppies I went through...
smiley - biggrin or sumthin'...smiley - puff...smiley - magic...Ooooo...smiley - rainbow...pretty...

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 474


Poppies?? Were they big red ones?

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 475

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - magicyep...real big red ones. And on the other side of the field you could see The Emerald City. smiley - tongueout'Course that's a
of a different color.

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 476

Pandora...Born Again Tart

for those of you who may not know...and even if you do...
the smiley - ponyof a different color was the schict that occurred inside The Em. City...remember? The smiley - ponyand all the colors on it ... for some reason or other...there was a carriage inside the building...always pondered over that as a child. To make myslef at ease...I decided that in MY version...the people weren't too lazy to walk...it was just their version of an electric wheel chair or sumthin'...after all...they HAD all walked a very long way.
...*pets the root-seat as it has grown fuzzy...figures it must be a native fur tree or sumthin'...*smiley - bigeyes Ooooo pretty...smiley - pumpkin

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 477


She's swaying... oh... I have to get her... uh... I'll just try not to breathe too much!

*sprints through the poppies to try and haul Pandora out*

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 478

Titania (gone for lunch)

*the red poppies hold their breath as VIP passes, hoping they won't catch whatever Pandora is suffering from*

Opium poppies are *white*.........

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 479


They can be red, or pink too, we used to have some in our garden at home. Not that we ever made opium from them of course. But if you want Pandorsa to be suffering from something else my mouth waters at the prospect!

The Ethereal Elven Garden

Post 480

Titania (gone for lunch)

Delirium tremens?smiley - tongueout

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