A Conversation for The Ladies of the Octagonal Table

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 1


Ladies, please, no pressure. I gets all flustered wit' pressure and I might ferget me manners. I aint from Manhattan or even Womanhattan. I is from waaaay south, Panama. (Dey aksed me to leave a few years ago, so I went away and stayed in California.)

You's reply wuz so flatulating dat I's gonna put on da cleen undurweare dat I got once fer Chrixmus.

You's all talks reel pretty, kinda like my thoid grade inglish teecher who I had a reel crush on. I 'tink she liked me two cuz should didn't smack me as hard as de other kids.

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 2

Shea the Sarcastic

Lady Shea bats her eyelashes. "Oh Panama, how very interesting! Pray, tell me more!"

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 3

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

*leaning on her hands, elbows on the table in front of her*

Ah... Perhaps thou art a Lord of Panama?

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 4


I aint no lord o' nuttin'. I's what's you's fine dames. (Sorry 'bout 'dat) Ladies would call a knave. But I got's the soul of a genlmun in me. You might say I's common outside but uncommon inside.

You's pretty talk makes me wanna quit my job of breakin' kneecaps for da mob an' collecting money from politicians and get a fancy job like wearin' one of dose fancy uniforms an' openin' doors in fancy places an' sayin' fancy stuff like "At your ladyships pleasure"

Yous 'tinks I can leaves my humble past and moves up to dat?

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 5

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Verrily, we should be honoured to have such a reformed soul to take care of us in such a way. Methinks thou hast the soul of a nobleman good sir, if not the birthline of one.

*looking through the uniforms to see if one fits*

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 6

Shea the Sarcastic

*measures Panama's inseam*

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 7

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

*peers over to see what Lady Shea is doing*

M'lady, you don't want it too tight!

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 8

Shea the Sarcastic

::Lady Shea shrugs and measures Panama's inseam yet again::

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 9

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

smiley - blushes prettily

What are you doing to that gentleman, Lady Shea?

I aint poifect, but I aint broken neider

Post 10

Shea the Sarcastic

"Merely assuring a proper fit, Princess Buttercup."

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