A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 41


Hi Alicat...smiley - smiley Yup, love must come from nothing, I sure don't know where it comes from. Always thought it was red though...at least, thats the colour it makes me see!smiley - winkeye

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 42

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

hi savannah, good one. sometimes i wish love would go back to nothing. less complications that way.smiley - fish@

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 43


Right now I have to go and curl up and die, with the full realization that I know nothing and not the combined efforts of a galaxy of computer experts will teach me something. smiley - sadface [If I should however survive the agony of this embarresment...I'll drop by at your h2g2 home]Farewell.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 44


I wish to curl up and die also. I have nothing useful to add so I'll just go away and do that now.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 45

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Savannah, (capital "S", by the way, your Highness) *alicat curtsies to her creator and saviour, SAVANNAH* " hi, babe" = allison smiley - fish@

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 46

Monkey Boy

You shouldn't call someone elses "blind belief" sad (most people would call this faith. What do you have faith in?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 47

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

mom?smiley - smileysmiley - fish@

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 48

Monkey Boy

Hello Ali

Whats all this about. I keep getting really wierd replys to things. if only people would read what they are replying to that would make the world go round better!!

hows it going anyway!!!!. Are you online all day or just for a little while

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 49

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

all day, i think. how about you? we could spend the day talking and really getting to know each other. if you wish, of course. would you like a mushroom? oops, dropped them. *looks deeply into monkey boys eyes. they are beautiful* i need you. smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 50

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Alicat, have you been here?
I need some serious comforting in there!
Also, check out my new improved h2g2 homepage. There's loads of interesting links in the introduction. You must see it!
(please especially check ot the Wu-Name thingy)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 51


How can you call the occurrance of the Big Bang nothing? How ridiculous! You cannot have a bang with
nothing! That's as faith oriented as god creating the Universe out of thin air! Which brings up the fact that
thin air is not nothing.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 52

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Here comes the big headache again!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 53


Sorry, I thought that was a current conversation. Much ado about nothing!
Got any current thoughts that don't produce headaches?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 54

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Sorry, I shouldn't be on this forum at all. All it does is give me a headache!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 55

Monkey Boy

Need me or want me? I'm intrigued!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 56

Monkey Boy

Love can be blue too

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 57


How can you talk about new physics theories and in the same breath wish us a happy new MILLENNIUM??? AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!
(don't get me started on it...)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 58


"Nothing can come of nothing" - King Lear. Later events in the play prove him decidedly wrong. Is there a moral there? I don't know. But I don't think there is ever nothing anywhere. even a vaccuum is full. In a kind of a way.
If, on the other hand, you're right, then we shouldnt exist right now, so the moral seems to be to live it up until the universe realises its mistake and comes to claim its debt

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 59

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hi, I haven't seen you before. How are you?
I don't think things can come from nothing....
uh oh, here comes the headache again........

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 60

Fluff McFluffy a.k.a Fluffy the Vampire Slayer

For the sake of fluff Alicat & Katsy! This is supposed to be a forum for philosophical thought against physics. Not a competition to see who can guess the nearest shade of love. We have a word for vacuous people like you, and in my circle it's blondes! I happen to be a bit on the superfical side meself, but I'm not going to broadcast the fact that I'm a vacnt lot to all and sundry! I just broke a nail today in my trampolining class and I'm having a bad day with splitends and malting. I also have a comment on how I think the whole point of existance starting up in the first place was in order for it to end and how if there is a God he probably invented evolution to aid the progression from start to end and go f*ck the Babel fish. smiley - fish
I almost thought Hipskitsch had a point with the tree falling on a mime until you sidetracked him completly from ANYTHING OF RELIVANCE AT ALL!!!
If a tree falls in an empty wood does it make a sound? No because there would be no humans to here it so nobody would 'hear' a thing. Even if a tree fell in a forest highly populated birds, squirrels and Mexican jumping frogs - it still wouldn't be heard because none of those things speak english and don't use the word 'heard' ever anyway.
My metaphor being, that the universe (ie something/everything) May not necisarily have come from nothing, but how are we to know - we weren't there.

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