A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 241

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

It was said that God did create the world from nothing, don't ask me what part of the bible that comes from exactly as I don't know, I am a firm believer in God and respect Him. I'm not led on by blind belief, I always look for evidence, don't ask me what I've unearthed because it's kinda hard to explain. Did you know that according to some science book we are all made up of recycled stars? Now there's something for you!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 242


Way back near the top of all this 'something' I said, & still think that, other than the created word...there is no such thing as nothing!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 243

Davius the Mostly Competent

In that case, what is between all the subatomic particles in atoms as they go whizzing about?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 244


Between all the subatomic particles are little thin lines that are to hold them up. If the lines would not be there, they would fall down. Anyway, I thought five days ago, and I still think, that the very first Nothing was a cloud. If you can prove me wrong, I shall be called a Dog.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 245


I thought that it was the exchange of gluons that kept everyting coherent (this is the reason that post-its hold workplaces together).
Aren't clouds just collections of weakly interacting Somethings? (or is that parliament/senate, no thats lot's of weakly interacting Nothings - deomcracy is dead, it never made it out of the cradle)

Expanding on my previous point about there only being one Nothing, do bhuddists become nothing when achieve oneness (or deos concentrating on nothing help with achieveing oneness?)? or will nothing only exist when everything is rendered homogenous by entropy?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 246

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Don't ask me I can only give you the Jewish point of view. That says that everything was created by God and we should believe it. Things do not come from nothing.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 247


I don't want to upset anyone, but if the previous is the case - where did God come from?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 248

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

we don't know, it was said he was just "there"

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 249


I rather like the ancient Egyptian mythological idea that their supreme "god" came from the "primeval waters, which produced the primeval mound, etc. However, where did the waters come from?? It's like, dare I say it, "What's at the end of the universe?": a brick wall - so, what's on the other side?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 250

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

don't ask me I'm a me, I'm a mere 14 year old!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 251


Shirps, do you mean the river STYCKS? (SP?)

Katsy, stop trying to hid behind youth...in the Uviverse..we are all newly formed. And you're one smart cookie! smiley - winkeye

And you up there...dogs are wise...just ask danny! Right danny?!? smiley - smiley


Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 252


A vacuum is just a place devoid of air--a spot containing no molecules or atoms. It is empty space, a void. If even you have space, you have "something" (some call it "The Final Frontier," but that is something else altogether). Nothing is nothing, which is really unimaginable to us, since anything we can distiguish with thought is by its very nature something. If we say that the Universe began as empty space that was filled up by the Big Bang or God or by the Great Nose, as Doug Adams once suggested, you still have the problem of explaining where the Space itself came from. Who/What made it? Thus, again, even the void is something...

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 253

Researcher 133057

Well asprines are something. but why argue a mute point of something from nothing.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 254


I don't know if dogs are wise, just that they don't seem to let a lot bother them non of this intellectualism guff.
Just lie back and lick your genitals.

PS It's the river Styx

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 255


Oh yes, "Styx"...thank you!

The reference to what dogs do isn't jealousy is it?!? smiley - bigeyes

Since this topic has gone on for so long, would it be alright if we continue it from my home page? I think things will move along a bit more quickly. If not, I'll just be there talkng to myself! Hope to see you all at my place smiley - winkeye

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 256


Nothing is something, or we could`'t talk about it

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 257


Yeh, it's "something" to talk about, but nothing particularly physical to hold, see, feel, smell, taste or even, imagine?! (unless you're trying to get to sleep!)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 258


No, I don't mean the River Styx (that's ....... gosh! can't remember: Greek, Roman or Olde English? I'll think on that one & get back! I do remember it was something to do with getting to the underworld, but nothing to do with Egyptian mythology!!! Crikey, wish all the mythologies were the same - the more I read, the more they are similar - strange: do, de, dah dah, do, de, dah dah!!!

It don't make no difference on age I'm .... "a bit" older than you, but I bet there's a 'ell of alot you know that I don't!!!!

I DO so agree about dogs, I'm sure mine has more brains than the other half!!!!!!! &, yes, is alot more laid back than the rest of us: all she cares about is food, walks, sleep &, of course, love!!!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 259


Hey, do you really want to clog up your place with all this?????? smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 260


Sgt sir,
Yep, I guess I was being a little too "laid back" about that one, but even so, you know what I was aiming at?!!!!

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