A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 261


That's a very nifty diatribe but what does it have to do with the question at hand?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 262


Okay...if nothing were something, than we wouldn't call it nothing, we would call it something else! HA! smiley - winkeye

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 263


But don't forget that something was nothing in the first place, so something could be called nothing else...

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 264


Now why would you go & call something...nothing else? smiley - winkeye
By the way, how do you know that something was nothing?!? If nothing began as nothing (as many here believe) then why couldn't something begin as something?!?
I'm in a very playful mood...so please don't think I'm just stupid...
on second thought, go ahead! smiley - bigeyes

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 265


Judging just from this conversation I have only one conclusion: Yes....

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 266


In first, there was nothing. You can't have something first because only one thing can be first. If you would have two firsts it wouldn't make any sense. =)
And as I've mentioned, the very first nothing was a cloud. Some say that clouds are something but don't listen to them. They are wrong. At least were they wrong. Then the other clouds kicked in. They were something at least.
And something can't come from something because nothing can't come from nothing. You can only have something out of nothing or nothing out of something...

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 267

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

People think just because I'm 14 I'm an idiot.....

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 268

Researcher 133992

YES AND NO...mostly,but inconsistently relative.

this is never going to end

Post 269

Mr. Noisy Jewel

Um, not completely sure what sort of physical/metaphysical theories you've been reading but from what I've understood from contemporary scientific theory is that the first 'nothing' was not in fact 'nothing' but was and infinitesimally small particle with and infinite mass.

I'm not going to enter into some diatribe about truths or gnosticism (as I briefly saw whilst scrolling down) but the human mind cannot even concieve of the idea of nothing let alone imagine if something can arise from nothing.

In my own personal opinion, 'nothing' does not exist. There is always something: energy, matter, something. Of course, this may simply be a limitation imposed upon my thinking by this fleshy brain . . .

Oh and as for what that above particle was contained in: it doesn't really matter. The question is irrelevant. Don't ask me why, it just is.

And Snikkers. You mentioned that because nothing cannot come from nothing something cannot come from something. I offer you reproduction. Something from a previous something. If you hold true to your logic than nothing can in fact come from nothing. As nothing does. No sound, sentiment, energy or matter. So I guess this indirectly answers the question, something cannot come from nothing.

Maybe I'm just being cocky.

misplaced cockiness

Post 270

Mr. Noisy Jewel

in reading that over,

i wish i had edited.

ah, no matter.

misplaced cockiness

Post 271

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

yeah, but do you think I'm an idiot cos I'm 14, my brother does and anything of my opinion he just ignores

misplaced cockiness

Post 272



He's your brother, ignoring you is possibly his raison d'etre. I speak from experience, between 12 and 17 I ignored my sister pretty much.
Anyway I'm sure idiocy now counts as a life choice so any discrimination against anyone on those grounds is not allowed (apart from by idiots).

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 273

Researcher 134094

"the millenium" an excuse for a party. "the possibility of the millenium being next year" an excuse for a party. so what are we celebrating? the possiblity of a possible massiah possibly being born 2000 years ago from a possible virgin that possibly had sexual relations with a possible god. sounds perfectly possible to me smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 274


You are one smart cookie. There is no such thing as nothing. Close your hands and cup them. They are now full of everything. Matter does not discriminate. It is all one. Bravo!!

misplaced cockiness

Post 275

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Thanks for that, at least I know I do exist smiley - winkeye

Something can indeed come from nothing...

Post 276


Dear Mr. Noisy Jewel,
I hope you are wrong. I truly believe that Something can come from Nothing. See, if we would'n have discovered that there were dinosaures on Earth we would have said that there were no such thing as a dinosaur. True, but we know that they are because we found them. We haven't found Nothing yet so we can't really say, but I'm going to stick with that theory of mine if you don't mind =)

Something can indeed come from nothing...

Post 277

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Nothing is nothing and therefore it can't be anything else, if there was something there can't be such a thing as nothing. I have a slight feeling that's already been said.

Hey Alicat, were ya been I haven't seen you for a few weeks....

Something can indeed come from nothing...

Post 278


At the risk of repeating myself...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something can indeed come from nothing...

Post 279



Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 280


Since nothing is by definition something, because if it wasn't it wouldn't exist, and I wouldn't be writting about it. Obviously something can come from nothing, because they are one and the same.Just because we can't touch it or feel it, or conceptulaize it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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