A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

A slightly trivial QI

Post 1


Since I'm not smart enough to come up with or answer any of the grids, I've got a relatively simple QI question.

What links babies and Betelguese?

No smiley - bluelights for this (sorry Taff!), just the chance for points.

A slightly trivial QI

Post 2

Taff Agent of kaos

not a clue????

Betelguese is on the shoulder of orion, ford prefect and zaphod beeblebrox come from somewhere in the vicinity of betelguese, michale keeton stared in the title role of beetlejuice, the mighty Tharg, editor and proprioter of 2000AD, the galaxys greatest comic comes from betelguese, i think its one of the largest stars in the sky?????????

thats about it i think

smiley - bat

A slightly trivial QI

Post 3

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

And if you squash a beetle...

smiley - run

A slightly trivial QI

Post 4

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

or a baby....

A slightly trivial QI

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

They both start with a B!

You said no klaxons... smiley - winkeye

A slightly trivial QI

Post 6


Betel juice, red in the mouth. Babies, red in the face. No? OK.

Betelgeuse is reddish(?) & pulsates
Babies go red from time to time.
Ah, maybe not that, 'cos babies go more purple than red...

A slightly trivial QI

Post 7


Betelgeuse is a stupid animated TV series.... there's a kid in it...

The "baby" is the kid and Beetlejuice is the wierdo that can connect with the kid

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A slightly trivial QI

Post 8


Is it carbon?

A slightly trivial QI

Post 9


How so?

A slightly trivial QI

Post 10


Ohhhh smiley - eureka

A slightly trivial QI

Post 11


Babies are made out of stardust (as are we all) and so is Betegeuse.

When the universe originally formed, it contained only hydrogen and a tiny bit of other light elements. There were no heavier atoms such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The first stars converted some of the light elements into heavier ones by the process of nuclear reactions, and so it is believed that the heavy elements of which we are made were originally created inside massive stars.

A slightly trivial QI

Post 12


ekky, that's worthy of a DGI point, but it isn't the answer I'm looking for.

Would anyone like a clue?

A slightly trivial QI

Post 13


Betelgeuse is a red supergiant, and I think it's so big it's one of a few stars which actually shows as a disc rather than a point of light. It's a corruption of the Arabic 'armpit of the giant' or something.

No idea what it has to do with babies though. Is the Chinese/Indian/Mayan name for the constellation it's in 'The Baby' or something?

A slightly trivial QI

Post 14

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


Yes please. smiley - smiley

A slightly trivial QI

Post 15


It's about timings. How long we wait to see something.

A slightly trivial QI

Post 16

Taff Agent of kaos

from the perspactive of someone on earth does betelguese 'orbit' once every 9 months

smiley - bat

A slightly trivial QI

Post 17

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Aha! I think that's it.
The 9 month gestation period of human babies equals the visible duration of Orion from which the Beetle juices flow.
smiley - cheers

A slightly trivial QI

Post 18


Close squiggles but no cigar.

A slightly trivial QI

Post 19


Is it variable with a 9 month period?

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