A Conversation for Red Dwarf - The TV Series


Post 1

Researcher 147194

Who was the best, Hattie Hayridge or Norman Lovett?


Post 2

Classic Krissy

I'm partial to Norman, myself, but I also liked Hattie. I just enjoyed the whole early dynamic of an all guy's clubhouse. It just made it funnier when there were no girls.

Besides which I think Norman is absolutly hysterical. smiley - smiley


Post 3

Tamsin ((5+3-1)×(7-1))

I like Hattie, but I thinks that because I started watching in series 5. It's impressive how she manages to keep a lot of the same personality, despite having a different gender. But both of them are really great.


Post 4


I think Norman's far funnier - when they re-invented Holly they should have changed the character slightly......


Post 5


Both are excellent. I love the bit when Ace Rimmer says Hi to Holly and she swoons off the moniter. Or when Kryten has his first birthday party and Holly gets pissed! I love 'em.


Post 6

Evil One, part time Megalomaniac and fanatical condemner of Alabaster and Pop music

I prefer hattie. I think she does the dumb blonde part better (no offence meant to blondes)

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