This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

So long, and thanks...

Post 161


he made me laugh...

and regard my pet mice with deepest suspicion

So long, and thanks...

Post 162

Mrs V

I realised when passing on the message, as I got the sad news when it first broke, that all my friends are hitchhikers fans. All of them. And its a pretty good bet that if you like hitchhikers, I'll like you.

Thank you for bringing people of like warped minds together,
love and hugs all

Helena Nancy McCallum
Newcastle, A small blue green planet, zz9 plural z alpha

So long, and thanks...

Post 163

The Flyinghogfish

There is a terrible pain down all the diodes in my left ventricle.

So long, and thanks...

Post 164

Shorn Canary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses

Horrible news. Deep gloom! So really miserable that the fabulous mind of Douglas Adams has stopped.

Lots of sympathy to his family and friends who are, of course, going to miss him so very much more than all of us who have just loved him from afar.

The h2g2 team

Post 165


Deeply saddened. Please keep up the great work - what a fantastic monument you've built to a brilliant, great man. In years to come we'll be speaking of him in the same breath as Asimov and Arthur C.Clarke...only much, much funnier.
All the best.

The h2g2 team

Post 166


Deeply saddened. Please keep up the great work - what a fantastic monument you've built to a brilliant, great man. In years to come we'll be speaking of him in the same breath as Asimov and Arthur C.Clarke...only much, much funnier.
All the best.

The h2g2 team

Post 167


Such sad news. My deepest sympathies to Douglas' family and friends, at h2g2 and beyond. His writing gave me so much spirit and energy, and made the vagaries and conundrums of life a little easier to bear. Thanks, Douglas. Godspeed.

Martin Gould, Toronto, Canada

The h2g2 team

Post 168

Researcher 173894

My hugest sympthies to his family and friends and all who were blessed and touched by his brilliance, wit and charm. I can imagine how devastated everyone must be because I am crying as I type this. His books meant so much to me!
I wish this had an SEP field around it.
Goodbye Douglas, and may you make the gods laugh as much as we have. You are already sorely missed.

Diarmaid Collins

The h2g2 team

Post 169

Researcher 173894

My hugest sympthies to his family and friends and all who were blessed and touched by his brilliance, wit and charm. I can imagine how devastated everyone must be because I am crying as I type this. His books meant so much to me!
I wish this had an SEP field around it.
Goodbye Douglas, and may you make the gods laugh as much as we have. You are already sorely missed.

Diarmaid Collins

The h2g2 team

Post 170

Researcher 173894

My hugest sympthies to his family and friends and all who were blessed and touched by his brilliance, wit and charm. I can imagine how devastated everyone must be because I am crying as I type this. His books meant so much to me!
I wish this had an SEP field around it.
Goodbye Douglas, and may you make the gods laugh as much as we have. You are already sorely missed.

Diarmaid Collins

The h2g2 team

Post 171

Researcher 173902

My condolences to Douglas's wife and family. We, his admirers and fans, feel a great sorrow at his untimely passing. Obviously, your grief will be infinitely greater. Be assured that he is held in great affection by a huge number of people. He made us laugh and he made us think.

The h2g2 team

Post 172

Penguin Boy

Just a note to say goodbye to the great visionary that was Douglas Adams. Thank you, Douglas - for blessing us with your words, humour, and all-around genius. Your way of looking at the world was simple, yet you expressed what you saw with keen observations that possessed great depth and meaning. HHGTTG was truly a guide to Life, the Universe, and Everything. It is the best disguised "self-help series" I have ever read (not that I've read many, mind you). smiley - winkeye Godspeed, DNA, and I hope that some lucky parallel Universe is enjoying your presence as much as we did on this uttery insignificant blue-green planet.

In Mr. Adams' honour, I have inscribed the words "DON'T PANIC" on my Palm Pilot. Since I do not have a black towel, I thought it was the next best-fitting thing to do.

Piriya V.
Chicago, IL USA

P.S. - Mr. Adams, please tell us if Death is as lovely as Neil Gaiman portrays her to be!

The h2g2 team

Post 173

Fat Mammoth

It might be a sadder place today than it was on Thursday, but I'd like to add the world is a happier place than it would have been without him, and although we're all very sad to see him go, his legacy is going to live on for a long time afterwards, through his books, and also through the living legacy that is H2G2.

Of course Douglas would point out that trying to predict the future like this is a mugs game. So call me a mug smiley - smiley

The h2g2 team

Post 174

Randy Bonestrong

Tonight i sit with a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster while listening to some of the best radio ever made.

For his family, were all thinking of you at this sad time.

The h2g2 team

Post 175

Dolphin Girl: Patron Saint of Incoherent Ramblings; Keeper of Flutes and Singing Watches

There is nothing I can say which has not been said already. Normally this would be because I am not very original but today it is because Douglas Adams touched so many people's lives that all that could be said has been. My deepest sympathies go to all his family. If the h2g2 community are saddened by his death it can only be so many times worse for his family and close friends.
Douglas Adams we will miss you.

The h2g2 team

Post 176

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

smiley - blue To you my friend smiley - stout

The h2g2 team

Post 177

Stephen P.

I cannot begin to express my sorrow. Take care, Douglas, wherever you are.
Stephen Persing

The h2g2 team

Post 178

Hopelessly Paranoid

I was shocked - after an hour's contemplation over all the messages of condolence, that is still the only word I can find for it - when I caught the tail end of the obituary on this morning's news. I'm sure I shared a moment of wanton disbelief with others, that until it was confirmed I didn't want to believe it. The words "profound" and "loss" never made such sense as they do right now.

Right now, I fear re-reading THHGTTG as much as I desperately want to answer its call, as if reading it again would make the news permanent. I try to read as much as I can. I'm terrible at it. I half-finish, I stop, I read three books at once, its appalling. Needless to say, the "trilogy" (in one huge volume, as a preference), is/are the only book(s) that I can be sure I will devote one hundred percent attention to at all times. You all know why!!! Without doubt, they are keystone texts in most of our lives. While trying to explain my enthusiasm for them to friends today, the only words I could find were "they're fantastic, absurdly funny, you won't put them down without urgent need", and I feel comforted to know that there are so many people out there who agree. smiley - smiley I have still to read the Hollistic Detective series and the last two H2G2 books, and I look forward to it.

All our condolences and best wishes to his family and friends, as will be reitterated by hundreds more faithful guide fans and followers.

To DNA, One of the greatest diodes in the ultimate processor that is the Earth. smiley - smiley This black towel is for you.


(P.S. We are awfully proud of you also)

The h2g2 team

Post 179

Sage Moon

Wow. Unbelieveable. The Galaxy (and universe) has lost a tremendous talent.

I'm shaking my head over my recent chain of coincidences. I turned 42 Friday. My partner gave me (another) copy of H2G2, with the "42" passage marked for my convenience. That made me think of things Adamsian, so I did a Google search that ended up with me here. I registered. And DNA died. All on the same day. {shiver}

Fare well, Douglas Adams. Save us a seat at The Restaurant...

Joan Condell
San Diego, CA USA

The h2g2 team

Post 180

Mick, Lancashire, UK

As has already been expressed so often, I too was shocked and saddened to hear the news.

The world's culture bank has taken another untimely step towards the red. Let's hope that H2G2 can provide a fitting and long-lived epitaph.

The meaning of life + 7 was not enough.

Love and peace.....

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