This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

The h2g2 team

Post 181

Researcher 173951

My day has been very sad.

Deepest love and respect to Douglas' family and friends at this time.


The h2g2 team

Post 182


The hoopiest of froods has passed on, he will be missed.

So long, and Thanks for all the Thoughts!

~Niels Grotum

The h2g2 team

Post 183


You just know when you hear the announcer on the radio say someone's name in that tone of voice...

Very, very sad. But I suppose this is his epitaph. I haven't been around here since before the BBC took it over. They had better take *damn* good care of it.

Condolences to his family and friends.

Bryan McComb, London.

The h2g2 team

Post 184

Researcher 169208

It is so sad.

So long... see you next time around, Douglas.


The h2g2 team

Post 185

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Way back in March 1978, I was skimming the 'What's on' pages of my local paper when I spotted THHGTTG. Ahh, I thought, an astronomy programme, I'll listen to that. Little did I know what I was in for. I recorded it all and still have the tapes.

Later, I did Open University courses, I'm still half convinced Douglas had a hand in writing some of them. At the Summer Schools, every Maths course had at least one solution of 42.

Reading these messages one thing is clear, The Guide and Douglas have impacted on the lives of the people of Earth, different nationalities, sexes and ages have all united under the creed of Not Panicking and Knowing Where Their Towels Are.

Some day I hope that these postings will be of some minor comfort to Jane and of some assistance to Polly in knowing just what a guy her father was.

In sympathy and with love

Trisha Nicholson
Manchester, England

The h2g2 team

Post 186

Researcher 168814

I realy think it´s a pitty Douglas Adams died so early in life. I hope that all we are doing and writing here will keep his memory upright. I hope that a lot of people will continue to read the books and find out, how senseless some of our bickerings are. That is what I have learned from the whole 42 thing - What does it realy matter what keeps the world together, as long as I can roam this space and time and have fun, be happy and full of content.

Mark Hooper,
Black Forest.

The h2g2 team

Post 187


smiley - cry

The h2g2 team

Post 188


Dear Douglas is waiting for us all at The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe.

I hope I won't be meeting him for some time, as I have so much to add to his Guide. We all know that he wants us to forge ahead, and keep his projects alive.

I shall not be down-hearted - I shall rejoice and celebrate the life of a man who has been truely influential in the course of human-kind.

From hearing the very first broadcasts, DNA's work has infiltrated my whole being. Not a day goes past without some word or incident reminding me of something in "The Guide".

Nikki Driscoll, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England

The h2g2 team

Post 189

Researcher 173960

I've only today returned to this board after a two year shock at hearing the news of his death drove me to visit here again. I would like to express my deepest sympaths for his family and friends. The world has lost a truly individual being.

Terence Arnold

The h2g2 team

Post 190


I remember my roommate and I reading the Hitchhiker books when I was in college. I was so excited about them, I passed them on to my Father and Brother to read when I came home for a break! Ironically, I received simultanious emails from my Father and Brother with the news of DNA's passing.

It's amazing the influence he had over his fans. You can instantly recognize another fan, simply by reciting the number 42!

So to DNA, who will be remembered and cherished by readers and fans for years to come, an oft' repeated but appropriate comment:

So long, and thanks for all the laughs!

Diane Graebner
West Palm Beach, FL, USA

The h2g2 team

Post 191

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

So long and thanks for all the laughs and insight you gave us with the books, the radio show and this site. You'll be missed.

The h2g2 team

Post 192

Researcher 174003

Deepest sympathy to all DNA's family and friends.
We know you have your blanket and us out there with you.

my condolences

Post 193

T 42

I will miss his humour in his books and the great ideas he had...
my condolences to his family...

The h2g2 team

Post 194

Researcher 26444 Fenchurch

My deepest sympathy for his family and friends.
The joy and laughter Douglas's work brings to people everyday is everlasting.
Thank you Mr Adams,
Jane Paris, Cardiff, UK

The h2g2 team

Post 195


Yes, of course it's very sad, and no 6 year old deserves to have her daddy taken away. But..... very few of us could claim to have influenced so many people through writing that only ever *cheered* the life of the reader. DNA had a rare gift, he never denigrated, and never made humour through the inadequacacies of others. I hope his family read these comments because through his work he influenced more than he can ever have imagined. Life would have ben more bland, a word that Douglas would never have recognised.

Bob Frogley

Looking back and laughing

Post 196


What do you think DNA is thinking now? Looking back on all of us crying our eyes out about his death? I'll tell you, he's laughing! Look at those poor fools all crying about me!
Why morn his death? We should be celebrating the life he had! Remember the stories he told, the laughter he brougt, he's not dead! He's alive! In his family, in his books, in us! So pick up a DNA book and read!

The h2g2 team

Post 197


It was my best friend's Dad who got me into h2g2 back at the end of the 70's. He'd taped the show off the radio and we nicked the tapes and used to play them again and again and again. It made a massive impression on me as 12 year old and I believe influenced for the better the way I finally turned out.

My heart felt condolences go out to his family. I am so sorry.

Mike Helman
Brighton, UK

The h2g2 team

Post 198

Thrifty Boy

To you all
Having spent a large part of the last 2 days sat staring at our computer screens this is a brief note to let you know that Douglas' family are getting huge comfort in reading your messages on this site, Jane, Polly and Mum in California, and Sue, Jane and James here in the UK.
Not only are they providing an instant comfort now, not to mention quite a few laughs, but they will no doubt be read and re-read over the coming days, weeks, months etc, reminding us that we are not the only ones who have lost, and none of us are alone.

The h2g2 team

Post 199

Comrade Rumble

It's only just sunk in. I heard yesterday but didn't believe it. This is a truly sad time. My condolences to everyone who loved him.

The h2g2 team

Post 200


That is indeed good to know Thrifty Boy. I think in a small way we all feel like a part of his family here on h2g2. Our hearts are universally going out to all his loved ones. He was loved by many.

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