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Jaffa Cakes

Post 1


I'm convinced that McVitie's have changed the recipe for Jaffa Cakes. And I'm not best pleased about this.

I should explain that Jaffa Cakes (along with Ribena) was a product that my mother refused to buy when I was a kid, on the basis that it was too expensive and that Rich Tea biscuits (and cheapo Orange squash) was a perfectly acceptable substitute. What she didn't realise was that because I couldn't offer nice stuff to my mates when they came round to play, I was regarded at times as being somewhat cheap. I know it seems crazy after all these years, but at the age of 8 I had quite a complex about it.

Anyway, 30 years later, I do buy the occasional packet (about once a year) of Jaffa Cakes, mainly to demonstrate that I can. Well I bought a packet this morning and they tasted different to what I remember. The cake element was much more dense and chewy. The bubbles in the cake were smaller and the colour of the cake's surface was much lighter, implying to me that it hasn't been baked for as long as it was in the past.

These changes come as a great disappointment to me. It feels somehow that a thread with my past has been broken.


As an aside, the storage instructions on the end of the pack reads, "Store in a cool dry place or consume within minutes." smiley - laugh

At least that last bit is totally accurate smiley - ok

Jaffa Cakes

Post 2


Any word on Fig Rolls?


Jaffa Cakes

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I think you should get in touch with Nicey about this.

Jaffa Cakes

Post 4


I've long found McVities Jaffa Cakes to be somewhat bland. I've switched to Spar's German-made own brand ones - the orange bit is tastier and tangier and it covers the whole of the top of the sponge. The same manufacturer seems to supply Marks & Sparks, but at roughly twice the price for half the quantity.

Jaffa Cakes

Post 5

I'm not really here

Jaffa cakes seem to suit us - most of them have no dairy in it.

I know what you mean about Rich Tea and orange squash though. Been there, done that. smiley - sadface Ribena was for Nanny's house, hot usually. mmmm... I still get excited when I smell hot blackcurrant drinks.

Jaffa Cakes

Post 6


I like Jaffa Cakes partly because they are surprisingly healthy for something involving smiley - choc. Their calorie and fat content is remarkably low, and the taste is rich enough so that I don't tend to pig out on them.

Have you tried the new Berry Burst variety, with the fruits-of-the-forest bit in place of the orangey bit? I love 'em, and I certainly don't think anyone could call their taste bland! smiley - drool

Jaffa Cakes

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


You're a once-a-year man, eh?smiley - biggrin

You'd get more in my house - and we love that advert "Full moon, half moon total eclipse" - we regularly enact that.

Sorry Ormy, tried those raspberry ones *once* thought them awful!smiley - yuk

I buy the Tesco own brand Jaffa cakes so haven't really noticed any difference in the Jaffa onessmiley - evilgrin

smiley - droolI bet there's none in the cupboard now...smiley - run

Jaffa Cakes

Post 8

Number Six

Jaffa Cakes are one of my more constant hangover cures. I've got an idea that the sponginess helps to soak up the booze in my stomach. And no matter how rough I feel, I nearly always fancy a Jaffa Cake.

Haven't tried them for a while though. Must investigate smiley - run

smiley - mod

Jaffa Cakes

Post 9

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - drool Jaffa...... smiley - drool

Jaffa Cakes

Post 10

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - yuk Eeeeeewwwwwwww! Vile things smiley - ill

I actually blame jaffa cakes for my dislike of any kind of 'orangey-bit' in anything other than a fresh orange. Ick.

Jaffa Cakes

Post 11


Blimey, Kelli doesn't like Jaffa cakes! smiley - doh

You do realise that that makes you almost as weird as me, when I say that I don't like chocolate.

Jaffa Cakes

Post 12


Hmm, wonder if the change in taste coincided with the flooding of their factory in Carlisle with millions of gallons of dirty flood water...

Could add a certain 'je ne sais quoi' to the taste smiley - evilgrin

Jaffa Cakes

Post 13

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

I don't like chocolate either. Although I don't mind dark chocolate.

Jaffa cakes, hmm. Well, they're sweet. And I've really not got a sweet tooth at all. I'd sooner have pork scratching than a bag of sweets anytime.

smiley - ale

Jaffa Cakes

Post 14

McKay The Disorganised

I'm a dark chocolate man too, and I agree about Jaffa cakes, they have become more smiley - erm stodgy.

smiley - cider

Jaffa Cakes

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Hey, I don't like biscuits, chocolate, cakes, or any such things smiley - zen No I relaly don't, I don't I don't smiley - zen oh bugger, yeh I do but I've 'educated' myself to not like them smiley - zen they ca changed nescafe instant coffee a few years back, went from beign my mainstay instant coffee to being something I never buy less I am forced to when I rn out smiley - doh As regards jaffa cakes, not eaten them in about a decade so no idea whatsoever smiley - zen

Jaffa Cakes

Post 16

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I only eat dark chocolate too. At the moment coz of work I am learning lots about the complexities of smiley - choc making and recipies generally in the food industry smiley - erm

Jaffa Cakes

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I bought a packet of Tescos Jaffa cakes today, in honour of you, GreyDesk.

smiley - evilgrin

Jaffa Cakes

Post 18

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I bought a packet of Green and Black's dark chocolate-covered ginger biscuits today smiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool

Damn you for making me wander up the biscuit aisle Grey Desk smiley - cross

Jaffa Cakes

Post 19

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Great choice of smiley - choc Kelli smiley - biggrin

Jaffa Cakes

Post 20


Ginger biscuits are good, yes. I'm not so sure about dunking them in brown goo, even if it is goo of a cut above, first.

On the subject of ginger biscuits - which is pretty much the only sweet bakery product I like - I haven't been able to find McVitie's Ginger Nuts anywhere in the supermarket for the last few weeks. Very strange smiley - erm

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