A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

I want to join the Thingites!!

Post 1


dave crowned prince of the amish

it is what i shall be called i will strike fear into the hearts of those who are not that fond of calling thursday thing

thursday will fall by my hand

order will be restored to the days of the week

hope will find itself in the hearts of men amish and non amish thingite and non thingite (the ignorant not the thursdayites)

you can find me at kyuketsuki he on h2g2

I want to join the Thingites!!

Post 2

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Dave; crowned prince of the amish, Hereby Proclaimed!

*bangs Gabble*smiley - magic

Bit out of practice.

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