A Conversation for Newcomers' Welcome Page

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 61

Dee Light

rofl Um - can't think of anything to say to that that wouldn't totally embarrass myself.....

*opens bog roll, decides it's far too good for my a**e, unrolls the lot, curls up, dozes off*

smiley - smiley

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 62


Ive dosed off on the loo a time or two........Trust me, it's NOT a good idea.....

People tend to not let you forget it!smiley - winkeye

smiley - fishNM

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 63


Is that better then someone forgetting you've dozed off on the toilet and leaving you there for days and then asking you whether you are wearing eau de urine!?
Hello new chaps- what is the timespan for newness? Is it all relative? Am I still new or is that an existensial crisis? So many questions.... such high phone bills- I'm off to visit your webpages now.
Ta ta,


New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 64


Yes, new is probably relative, but it's not a requirement. smiley - winkeye

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 65

the man in the middle


I'm pretty darn new, so I thought I'd stop in and say hello

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 66

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Who's name is often credited to that of the common-or-garden bog, although the toilet was called a 'crapper' *before* TC developed the toilet as he did. See if you can make sense of that - I'm not sure I can, and I'm the one that just typed it!

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 67

Dee Light

*blinks, yawns and stretches*

I'm not sure if I'm new or not. How long have I been asleep in this toilet?

*curls up on floor and gets busy with folding the flapping birds*

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 68

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Just a quick 'hello' to any new incontinent H2G2'ers. Welcome to one and all! smiley - smiley

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 69


Hi Justin.

Hi Dee Light,not still folding.smiley - smiley

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 70

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

G'day! Another one to add to the list (when/if I can ever be bothered to make one).

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 71


Much like "Forty-yard dash to the Outhouse" written by Willie Makit.

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 72

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Nonny, that's really poor. smiley - smiley

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 73


Hey, don't look at me! I learned it way back in 1st grade from someone else! smiley - winkeye

'Nonnie-the-innocent smiley - winkeye

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 74

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

It's almost as bad as the age old: Why is diarrhea hereditary? 'Cos it runs in your genes!!! smiley - bigeyes

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 75


Hi all
I think I've arrived!!

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 76

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

G'day Ciderspace! Welcome to the toilet!smiley - smileysmiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 77


Gee thanks. Can I get a pint here?
Second thoughts, forget that. I'm off to the Furkin.
C ya

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 78

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Well, it would be a bit dodgy ordering a pint from a public toilet. Who knows what might get served up?!!! smiley - winkeye

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 79


That's what I thought. Mind you, you can get some pretty dodgy pints from some pubs as well, I can tell you (but I'm sure you know that already)!!

New users w/c 17 January 2000

Post 80

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

How true!smiley - winkeye

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