Guardian Angels
A big :-)hi to any visitors.:-)
I seem to spend most of my time reading
and skippng from site to site.
Some very interesting people and places,
to visit.
time. thats the big bug bear,by the time
I,ve found something interesting it time
to log off.
About me,
Born an orphan, moved and kicked around
for many years, but always with my Guardian
Angel near me, a Roman Centurian,frightened
me at first. but soon found peace with him
near.foster parents from the age of 5,changed
my life,lost my guardian angel soon after, I
did not think about him,did he think I was
safe, did not need guarding?
I Found out at the age of 16 that my guardian
angel was a roman centurian,do not remember
how,letters of my name or was it date of birth.
Who knows.
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Starting with... | Feb 12, 2000 |
Fireworks | Feb 8, 2000 |
Hi tashmar | Jan 28, 2000 |
Hi Tashmar | Jan 28, 2000 |
Hiya tashmar! | Jan 20, 2000 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Bud/Budvar | Mar 10, 2000 | Dec 28, 2003 |
A decision | Mar 7, 2000 | Nov 20, 2002 |
The Misfit Newsletter Has Been Updated | Feb 17, 2000 | Sep 15, 2000 |
Donate a Chat up Line | Feb 15, 2000 | Jul 23, 2000 |
Carry On 2000 | Jan 24, 2000 | Apr 4, 2000 |
Researcher U109313
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