A Conversation for Newcomers' Welcome Page
This is where we want a mention
You can call me TC Started conversation Dec 17, 2000
Please could you include the GerManiaConnection in this page somewhere. I have only just discovered this page by following some threads on one of our new members' pages. There is no way for us to find out when German-speaking Researchers join, so please give them the chance to find out about us.
Please see our aims. (Top of the page: http://www.h2g2.com/A478055.
Most Germans are delighted when they see that. They are expecting something else .. namely the sort of thing they are trying to get away from by joining this site. And I have had many compliments from Germans to this effect, usually stating that they had their doubts at first.....
I would like to stress that it is equally interesting to people with some knowledge of, connection with or interest in the German speaking countries. As the aims state - we wanted to create a network for the German members, but also to present ourselves to the "rest of the world" and improve the image these countries seem to have out there.
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This is where we want a mention
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