A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

friends list

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

This is only mildly irritating but AWOL (banned researcher) added me to his friends list on one of his many accounts U250272

Is there any way you can take me off it? If not then no problem but it is a tad irritating.


friends list

Post 2

I'm not really here

I don't think that there's anyway to do that. smiley - sadface I think that it should be a feature, like the way we can remove our names from other people's entries. I'd like to be able to remove people who have added me to their friends lists as well.

friends list

Post 3


I think that's a very good idea indeed!


friends list

Post 4

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

i don't tend to add too many people to my friends list and just rely on the reciprocal list and when it gets full of AWOL or researchers i know have left or people that do it to annoy me, then it clogs it up.

(some i have never even had a single posting with!) Suppose it is nice to be popular smiley - winkeye Just don't like the idea of everyone being subjected to my journal rants unexpectedly!

friends list

Post 5

Loup Dargent

>Just don't like the idea of everyone being subjected to my journal rants unexpectedly!<

I don't use the Friends list anymore as it added to the difficulties encountered by Digibox Users and slow PC users [the PCs being slow _not_ the users...smiley - biggrin] in accessing it...

But that could be at least one use for my extra account...smiley - cool

Shame that i didn't think of that before...smiley - whistle

smiley - run

loupsmiley - fullmoon

PS: On a more serious note, yep it would be great if we could take our names off some people's list... I remember the shock i had a while ago when i saw i was on a certain intensive spammer's one...smiley - yikes
I had to think twice on what to type in the journal entry i wrote after that... didn't want to trigger any new spamming attacks by providing links that could have been of "interest" for/to them...smiley - steam

smiley - fullmoon

friends list

Post 6


smiley - footprints

friends list

Post 7


I've just started a thread to request the addition of this fine and excellent idea at the Feedback - Features page - F47999?thread=338412

friends list

Post 8


loup, i'm suprised you managed to notice anything on your recipricol list. There are 81 people with you on their friends lists. Has anyone looked into who has the most people? I think 81 must be quiet near the top...


friends list

Post 9

Loup Dargent

81?!...smiley - yikes

Not surprising there were problems accessing my Space when i had _both_ the Friends list and the Recipricol one on...smiley - wow

Now, of course, i'm going to switch the Recipricol list on for a while just to see who's names i recognise ...smiley - silly

>loup, i'm suprised you managed to notice anything on your recipricol list.<

Actually, i didn't.smiley - biggrin I only noticed my name [and it was the _only_ one smiley - yikes] on that person's list while checking their Space. It was not indicated on the Recipricol list somehow, which made the whole affair even more sinister... I've forgotten the U number now but i sure didn't like the feeling of being on the list of someone who could only be perceived as hostile towards me or/and my friends [and being aware of it by accident didn't help either]... So yep, i can relate to what Mort said and would definitely welcome a feature letting us take our names off others' Friends lists...smiley - cool

Anyway... smiley - cheers Tango for mentioning the Recipricol list... I meant to check it ages ago but, like with many things these last months, i got sidetracked... I will definitely make a point of checking it regularly from now on...smiley - ta

Talk soon everyone...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

friends list

Post 10

Loup Dargent

>who's names< or whose names even...smiley - blushsmiley - run

friends list

Post 11

Loup Dargent

smiley - run
Had a look at my Recipro-list.. The person's name does show now [unless it was because i was in plain skin and using a digibox at the time]: Qwertyqwertyqwerty [U227798]...smiley - steam And the only postings showing on their Space are my last two journal entries...smiley - yikes

Even after all that time i still find it sinister...smiley - brr

If no-one has posted the link to this Convo on the feature one, i will... as it must be obvious that i do agree with such a feature by now [it just that i don't fancy typing again the reasons why i agree and pasting what i said would not be the same somehow]...smiley - smiley

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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